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DHI Hair Transplant

Hair Loss Treatment in India with DHI

Men and women alike benefit from Direct Hair Implantation, a safe and effective hair restoration technique. Krescent Healthcare offers DHI hair loss treatment at a reasonable price. It is a safe and effective method of restoring hair volume and density. Get a free consultation with our hair transplant surgeons and plan your next step.

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DHI Hair Transplant


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Dr. Rahul Sharma 






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DR. Falguni Rakesh Verma 






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Dr. Sanjeev Gupta






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How does DHI work?

With Direct Hair Implantation (DHI), the hair follicle is extracted and re-implanted directly into the scalp using a specialized implanter pen called a CHOI implanter.

The implanter pen has the special feature of pushing the hair follicles deep inside so that they are transplanted under the scalp precisely. In this procedure, the hair follicle is allowed to remain inside the scalp and take root correctly, making it a more advanced technique than other techniques of hair transplantation.

DHI Procedure: What Makes A Candidate Suitable?

Hair transplant treatments are mainly recommended for patients with androgenic alopecia. Some of the characteristics that make a patient a good candidate for hair transplants include:

  • Hair loss before 25 years of age is usually progressive and unpredictable.

  • Usually, patients with thicker hair are better candidates for the treatment since thicker hair covers more hair follicles.

  • It is often more effective to perform a hair transplant on someone who has lighter hair color or a similar color to their skin tone.

  • If a patient doesn't have realistic expectations, he/she is less likely to be satisfied with the results of the procedure.

  • In order to qualify for a hair transplant, a patient must have a donor site with a hair density greater than 40 follicles per square centimeter.

Direct Hair Implantation (DHI): What Happens?

Direct hair implantation involves three phases: extraction, placement, and growth.

  • A specially designed disposable tool with a diameter of 1 mm or less is used to extract the hair follicles from the roots, followed by keeping them in a solution that enhances their growth.

  • A CHOI implanter pen is used to directly implant hair follicles into the recipient area after extraction is complete. There is no need to create punch holes or slits before implanting the hair follicles.

  • In the growth phase, as the surgeon controls the depth, direction, and angle of placement of the grafts, the hairs are less likely to fall out. More than 90% of the implanted follicles take root in the scalp, and hair grows naturally from them.

Below are the steps involved:

  • Local anesthesia is used to numb the donor and recipient areas

  • A specialist tool is used to remove the hair follicles one by one.

  • Then the hair follicles are placed into a special tool called the CHOI needle, which is used for the implantation.

  • Each hair follicle is implanted individually in the scalp at an angle of 40-45 degrees.

A variety of sizes of CHOI implanter pens are used during the procedure to fit single, double, triple, and quadruple follicular grafts.

What is the best way to prepare for a DHI hair transplant?

As soon as the doctor determines that the patient qualifies for a DHI hair transplant, he/she will recommend some blood tests to ensure that the patient is healthy.

During preparation, the doctor and his/her team will give you the following instructions:

  • Take a break from using anticoagulant medications before hair transplant surgery.

  • Discuss allergies, chronic diseases, and medication intake with the doctor.

  • Eczema and other skin conditions should be treated before the operation.

  • It is important to avoid dying or getting any type of chemical treatment before the hair transplant operation.

  • Before the procedure, stop drinking and smoking

A doctor planning a DHI hair transplant will also consider the following factors.

  • To achieve desired results, the number of grafts that must be collected from the donor area.

  • The natural growth direction and the angle at which the hair follicles need to be transplanted.

  • Restoring the patient's natural hairline.

Results of DHI Hair Transplants & Recovery

After a DHI hair transplant, the results will appear in about one year. Recovery will take about 1-2 weeks. Here is the recovery timeline:

  • Scabs will form over the implanted follicles within 4-5 days, indicating that the wound is healing properly.

  • After 10 to 15 days, the scabs will fall off on their own. This is the time of most sensitive healing. Once the scabs fall off, the follicles have taken root in the scalp.

  • As the follicles extracted are usually in different growth phases, the hair growth may be inconsistent in the early stages of recovery.

  • A patient may also experience shock loss, where the implanted hair falls out within 1-3 months. This is completely normal, and the patient should not worry about it.

  • In the next 3 to 6 months, new hair growth will take place, and the results of the DHI hair transplant will become visible.

  • Within 8 months to 1 year, the hair will be thicker and fuller.

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