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Face Threadlift

Invest in Advanced Face Thread Lifts

Make an appointment at Krescent Healthcare today for an advanced face thread lift to improve the texture and laxity of your skin. Our expert dermatologists are highly experienced in performing effective face thread lift procedures. Book your appointment right away.

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Face Thread Lift: What is it?

A face thread lift is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure designed to lift and tighten sagging facial skin. This procedure involves inserting small, barbed threads beneath the skin and gently pulling them to lift and reposition the skin. Typically, the threads are made of absorbable materials such as polydioxanone (PDO) or poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), which stimulate collagen production over time and improve skin texture.

There are a variety of areas in the face that can be treated with this procedure, including the forehead, eyebrows, cheeks, jowls, and neck. It is often used to treat aging signs, such as wrinkles, sagging skin, and loss of volume. In contrast to traditional facelift surgery, which requires general anesthesia and significant recovery time, a face thread lift is performed under local anesthesia or light sedation with minimal recovery time.

Following a face thread lift, one can typically notice immediate results which will further enhance in the coming weeks as the skin adapts to its new shape. The longevity of these effects ranges from 6 months to 2 years, determined by the type of threads employed and the individual's skin quality. While generally considered safe and efficient, it is crucial to select a qualified and skilled practitioner to minimize any potential risks.

What is the ideal candidate for a face thread lift?

A face thread lift, also known as a thread lift or a suture lift, is a cosmetic procedure that involves using sutures to lift and tighten the skin on the face. In case you are experiencing mild or moderate facial sagging and want a non-surgical alternative to a traditional facelift, this procedure may be a good choice.

An ideal candidate for a face threadlift is typically someone who is in good overall health and who has realistic expectations for the procedure's outcome. If you are experiencing sagging or drooping in the cheeks, jowls, or neck but not to the extent that would require a full facelift.

The surgeon will examine the individual's skin quality, degree of sagging, and overall health, as well as discuss the potential risks and benefits of the treatment.

Face Thread Lift Precautions

To avoid complications after a face thread lift, you must take a few precautions.

In order to ensure the best results from your procedure, it is important to follow these guidelines during your recovery:

  • Stay away from touching or rubbing the treated area for 24 hours after the procedure to allow the threads to settle into place.

  • Avoid engaging in strenuous exercise or activities for 48 hours post-procedure, as this can increase blood flow and pressure on the face.

  • During the first week after your procedure, do not expose the treated area to extreme temperatures such as saunas, steam rooms, or hot showers.

  • It is recommended to sleep with your head elevated for a few nights following your procedure in order to help reduce swelling and bruising.

  • Applying ice packs to the treated area for 10-15 minutes can also help decrease swelling and bruising.

  • For at least a few days after your procedure, refrain from taking any blood-thinning medications such as aspirin and ibuprofen, as this can increase the risk of bleeding and bruising.

  • Make sure you follow any post-procedure care instructions given by your surgeon and attend all scheduled follow-up appointments.

  • For at least 24 hours after your procedure, avoid using makeup or skincare products on the treated area.

  • Do not expose the treated area to direct sunlight or tanning beds for at least two weeks after the procedure.

  • Talk to your dermatologist if you experience unusual or persistent symptoms, such as severe pain, fever, or infection.

Face Thread Lift Benefits

  • Procedures that do not require surgery: Non-surgical face thread lifts are performed in a doctor's office without general anesthesia or hospitalization, making them a safer and less invasive alternative to traditional facelift surgery.

  • Scarring is minimal: The face thread lift is a good option for those who are concerned about visible scarring or want to minimize recovery time since there are no incisions or sutures required.

  • Downtime is minimized: There is minimal swelling and bruising after a face thread lift, and no incisions or sutures are required during the procedure.

  • Results that look natural: Face thread lifts lift and tighten the skin gradually over time, not suddenly and dramatically, like surgical facelifts.

  • Results that Last: The results of a face thread lift can last for up to two years, even if they are not as long-lasting as those of a surgical facelift. During the procedure, the threads stimulate collagen production in the body, which keeps the skin firm and elastic.

  • Easily customizable: Thread lifts can be customized to the individual's needs and goals. The number and placement of threads can be tailored to correct specific areas of sagging or wrinkles, providing customized results.

A cost-effective solution: In general, thread lifts are less expensive than surgical facelifts, which makes them more accessible to people looking to improve their appearance.

Face Thread Lift Risks and Complications

An aesthetic thread lift is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that can make the face appear younger and more lifted. Before undergoing any cosmetic procedure, however, you should carefully consider the risks and potential complications.

  • Infection is one of the most common risks associated with a face thread lift. Although infection is relatively rare, it can occur if proper hygiene and aftercare instructions are not followed. Choose a cosmetic surgeon with a reputation for excellence and follow their post-procedure care instructions carefully in order to minimize the risk of infection.

  • It is also possible to experience bruising and swelling with a face thread lift. This is a common side effect of the procedure and usually resolves within a few days. However, in rare situations, bruising and swelling can persist or become more severe.

  • Face thread lifts can also lead to thread breakage or migration, although this is uncommon. It can occur if the threads are not placed correctly or if they are subjected to excessive pressure or movement. If thread breakage or migration does happen, it can cause discomfort or affect the appearance of the skin.

  • A face thread lift can cause nerve damage, resulting in numbness or facial asymmetry in rare cases. Discuss this risk with your surgeon before the procedure.

  • The threads used in the procedure can also cause allergic reactions, although they are relatively uncommon. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include redness, swelling, or itching.

Lastly, the results of a face thread lift may not satisfy your expectations or may not last as long as you had hoped. Before undergoing the procedure, it is important to discuss your goals with your surgeon and to have realistic expectations about the outcome.

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