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GFC Hair Transplant

In India, GFC Hair Treatment is available

Are you seeking treatment for hair thinning and hair loss? Call Krescent Healthcare today for non-invasive GFC hair therapy for hormonal hair loss. By utilizing this advanced treatment, we can reduce hair loss and promote hair growth in people who have been experiencing hair issues for some time.

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GFC Hair Transplant


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Dr. Rahul Sharma 






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How does GFC Hair Treatment work?

The Growth Factor Concentrate Therapy (GFC) treatment treats hair loss using growth factors extracted from the patient's blood. It is a highly safe, advanced, and dedicated treatment. Growth factors are injected superficially into the scalp in order to reach the hair roots.

In GFC, damaged hair follicles are repaired using the healing abilities of the blood. Once these damaged follicles begin regenerating, they are able to grow new hair, which addresses the patient's problem of hair loss and thinning. The best results and accelerated hair growth can be achieved with 2 to 6 sessions of this non-invasive hair regeneration therapy

GFC Treatment: Who is a Good Candidate?

PCOS, thyroid problems, androgenic alopecia, as well as chemotherapy patients, can benefit from growth factor concentrate treatment.

For instance, 83% of patients with androgenic alopecia experienced positive results from the treatment. The hair regrowth rate in PCOS patients was also above 80%. There is no comparison to GFC treatment compared to PRP or other non-surgical hair loss treatments.

Children's hair thinning can also be addressed with GFC hair treatment.

How does the therapy use different growth factors?

Each growth factor plays a different role in treating hair problems. The different types of hair growth factors are as follows:

  • The platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) stimulates hair growth as well as vascularization and angiogenesis. The fibroblasts migrate to promote cell repair and hair growth as it stimulates mitogenesis (increases the number of cells) of mesenchymal stem cells and endothelial cells.

  • In addition to regulating perifollicular angiogenesis, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) plays an important role in the anagen phase of hair growth. In addition, it increases the vessel size during the anagen phase to facilitate the hair growth process.

  • It also stimulates angiogenesis, i.e., the formation of new blood vessels, which promotes tissue healing by stimulating the proliferation of hair cells.

  • It prevents the hair follicles from entering the catagen phase, prolonging the hair cycle. It is a physiologic regulator of hair growth.

To prevent hair loss, these growth factors are extracted from the platelet at high concentrations and injected into the scalp.

What should I do to prepare for GFC Hair Treatment?

The GFC treatment does not require extensive preparation, however, the patient might receive the following instructions to ensure there are no complications.

  • Prior to treatment, avoid heavy exercise and exhausting physical activities.

  • Keep your body hydrated by drinking more water.

  • Take a healthy and balanced diet and improve your eating habits.

  • Eat as little junk food as possible.

  • Shampoo and condition hair on the day of the procedure. If the scalp is oily and dirty, it can cause infection.

  • Do not color your hair a week before the procedure.

  • Smoking and drinking alcohol can dehydrate the body and impair healing

  • Use of blood thinning medications can hinder the blood's ability to concentrate growth factors.

GFC Hair Therapy Benefits

The GFC hair treatment is the next-generation solution to hair thinning and hair loss problems.

  • In addition to promoting natural and enhanced regeneration of hair follicles, the treatment is highly effective.

  • With the separation of RBCs and WBCs from the growth factor concentrate, the chances of pain and inflammation are significantly reduced.

  • It is 100% safe, and there is minimal risk of side effects.

  • It also strengthens hair follicles, preventing them from entering the catagen phase earlier than usual.

  • With GFC, fewer sessions are required to achieve optimal results.

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