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Hair Transplant

India's Best Hair Transplant Surgery

At our healthcare center, we offer the latest in Hair Transplant technology to give you the full head of hair you’ve been waiting for. We use state-of-the-art methods to ensure natural-looking results, and our confidential consultations allow you to discuss your concerns with our experienced team in a private setting. Get in touch to schedule your consultation today!

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How does Hair Transplant Surgery work?

Hair transplant surgery, also known as hair transplantation or hair restoration, is a highly successful surgical technique for addressing hair loss and baldness, specifically male or female pattern baldness. This procedure involves obtaining healthy hair follicles from one area of the scalp (donor site) and placing them in the bald area (recipient site). The types of hair transplant surgery include grafting, scalp reduction, flap surgery, and tissue expansion.

Out of these options, hair grafting is the most common form of hair transplant surgery due to its superior results in promoting hair growth. This procedure involves creating small strips of skin known as hair grafts, each containing 2-5 hair follicles, which are then transplanted individually onto the scalp. For those struggling with severe hair loss and thinning, hair transplant surgery has been a life-changing solution. At Krescent Healthcare, our goal is to make innovative and effective hair transplant procedures accessible and affordable for everyone. We utilize modern techniques such as FUT, FUE, and DHI to achieve natural-looking results in restoring hairlines. Schedule a consultation with our experienced surgeons to determine the ideal type of transplant for your needs.

Hair Transplant Surgery Types

The following are three of the most commonly used hair transplant techniques:

  • FUT Hair Transplant: The FUT hair transplant technique, also known as follicular unit transplant, involves surgically removing a thin strip of scalp from the donor area (typically the back or sides of the head). This strip is then carefully dissected into smaller grafts containing 1-4 hair follicles each. These individual grafts are then placed into the recipient area through small incisions. While this method allows for a high volume of grafts to be transplanted in one session, it does result in a linear scar at the donor site.

  • FUE Hair Transplant: Also known as follicular unit extraction, this procedure utilizes a specialized instrument, usually a punch tool, to individually extract hair follicles from the donor area. The surgeon creates small, circular incisions around each follicular unit and carefully removes them one by one. These extracted follicles are then transplanted into the recipient area. Unlike traditional methods, FUE does not leave a linear scar but instead creates small, inconspicuous dot-like scars. Due to this advantage, individuals who prefer shorter hairstyles or have a limited supply of donor hair often opt for FUE.

  • DHI Hair Transplant: Also known as direct hair implantation, this technique is a more advanced variation of the FUE hair transplant. While both methods involve extracting hair follicles, the key difference lies in the use of specialized tools. Instead of a punch tool, DHI utilizes a CHOI Implanter pen for implantation directly onto the recipient site. This pen allows for precise control over the angle, depth, and direction of hair placement, similar to the process of FUE.

Choosing the best hair transplant technique depends on a number of factors, including the patient's specific needs, the extent of hair loss, the quality and quantity of donor hair, and the surgeon's skill.

Hair Transplant Diagnosis

Prior to hair transplant surgery, imaging tests are usually not necessary. However, the doctor evaluates the patient's overall health, including hair health, beforehand to ensure the surgery is safe and can deliver the results expected. Diagnostics include the following key aspects:

  • History of medical conditions: First, the doctor checks the individual's medical history to determine if any underlying conditions or medications may be contributing to or causing hair loss. In addition, the doctor evaluates the family history and other relevant genetic factors.

  • Evaluation of the scalp: The scalp is carefully examined to determine the extent of hair loss, the quality of the hair, the condition of the scalp, and potential donor areas. This helps determine the feasibility of a hair transplant and the availability of donor hair.

  • Evaluation of the hair: Using the Norwood-Hamilton scale for men and Ludwig scale for women, the doctor will classify hair loss patterns and stages. Besides this, the thickness, texture, and color of the hair are also evaluated to determine the appropriate technique and whether the results will look natural.

  • Scalp biopsy or test: The doctor may recommend a blood test, scalp biopsy, or other diagnostic procedures to identify underlying medical conditions, hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, or other causes of hair loss.

In the initial consultation, the hair transplant specialist will discuss the patient's expectations, desired outcomes, and realistic goals. This will be used to determine the appropriate technique and number of hair grafts to be used.

Complications & Side Effects of Hair Transplantation

Despite the fact that hair transplant surgery is generally considered safe and effective, there can be potential side effects and complications.

Following are some of the most common side effects of hair transplants:

  • Skin trauma causes redness and bruising on the scalp.

  • It may take several weeks for swelling to subside completely at the recipient and donor sites.

  • Normal shock loss or temporary shedding of transplanted hair.

  • Nerve damage causes temporary numbness or sensitivity in the scalp.

  • During the initial healing process, there may be pain and discomfort.

In addition to these side effects, some serious complications may also occur after surgery, which may require immediate medical attention. These complications include:

  • The infection: While infections are rare, they can still occur if the patient does not maintain proper hygiene or follow post-op care. This will result in persistent redness, swelling, and pain, as well as discharge from the scalp.

  • A bleeding wound: It is possible for hair transplant surgery to cause excessive bleeding, but some people may still experience it. Doctors usually recommend that patients avoid blood-thinning supplements and medications to prevent this. The patient needs immediate assistance if the bleeding persists and increases over time.

  • Acute foliculitis: In some patients, the implanted hair follicles may become inflamed due to infection caused by bacteria on the scalp. This may lead to small pimple-like pockets around the follicles, which may or may not go away on their own.

  • Scarring: Normally, scarring occurs only after FUT hair transplants, as it causes a linear scar at the donor site. Over time, the scars heal and become invisible. However, in some people, abnormal healing may result in a raised scar.

  • Hair growth that is uneven: In spite of the fact that uneven hair growth is not a serious complication, it will require additional treatment in order to correct the unevenness and unnatural appearance of the hair.

A patient should contact the surgeon right away if complications occur.

Alternatives to surgical hair transplants

Even though hair transplant surgery is the most effective method of hair restoration, there are other nonsurgical methods that may be able to address hair loss and thinning problems to some extent. These include:

  • Medication: The FDA has approved multiple medications, including minoxidil (Rogaine) and finasteride (Propecia), for treating hair loss. Minoxidil is a topical treatment that is directly applied to the scalp and extends the lifespan of each hair. In contrast, finasteride is an oral medication that lowers DHT production (the hormone linked to hair loss). Both options yield positive outcomes but must be used regularly under medical supervision. It is not advised to take these medications without a doctor's prescription.

  • LLLT (low-level laser therapy) : A laser machine emits red light which stimulates hair growth in a non-invasive way. As with medications, laser therapy requires regular and consistent use to address hair loss. It increases blood flow to hair follicles and stimulates cellular activity. Laser therapy can be done at home or in a clinical setting with more advanced devices.

  • Treatment with PRP (Platelet-rich Plasma) : The platelet-rich plasma therapy is one of the most commonly used non-surgical treatments for hair loss problems. It involves extracting a sample of the patient's blood, processing it, and injecting it into the scalp. As a result of the plasma solution, hair growth is promoted, and quality, density, and thickness are improved. Multiple sessions are required to achieve visible results.

  • Treatment with GFC (Growth Factor Concentrate) : This is an advanced form of PRP therapy suitable for people whose hair fall is caused by hormonal imbalance. Similar to PRP, the blood is extracted, platelets are activated, and growth factors are separated individually. Microinjections are used to inject the growth factors superficially into the scalp.

  • Scalp Micro Pigmentation (SMP): Scalp Micropigmentation(SMP) uses pigments to camouflage short and buzzed hairs. Its more of a visual enhancement technique that only produces the illusion of a fuller head of hair.

  • Fibers and Concealers for hair: Cosmetic products such as hair fibers or concealers can temporarily conceal thinning hair by attaching to existing hair strands and creating the impression of fuller hair. These products are available in various shades and can be applied directly to the scalp.

To maintain the results of these non-surgical hair transplant alternatives, repetition is likely to be required.

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