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Best Healthcare Centre for Excellent Cancer Treatments

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This headline signifies the ongoing progress and innovative developments within the field of oncology. It highlights how new discoveries, technologies, and treatment methodologies are revolutionizing the way cancer is diagnosed, treated, and managed. The phrase "Advancing Hope" emphasizes the positive impact these breakthroughs have on patients' lives, offering improved outcomes and a better quality of life for those affected by cancer. The use of "Transform" suggests significant and fundamental changes in oncology practices, leading to more effective and personalized cancer care.

Advancing Hope: Breakthroughs in Oncology Transform Cancer Treatment and Care

Oncology is a branch of medicine that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and research of cancer. The term "oncology" is derived from the Greek word "onkos," which means mass or tumor, and the suffix "-logy," meaning "the study of." Oncologists are medical professionals who specialize in managing cancer, and their work encompasses various aspects:

Diagnosis: Oncologists use a variety of methods to detect cancer, including imaging techniques (like MRI, CT scans, and X-rays), laboratory tests (such as blood tests and biopsies), and genetic testing to identify cancerous cells and understand the nature of the disease.

Treatment: Treatment plans are tailored to the type, location, and stage of cancer, as well as the patient's overall health. Common treatments include:
Surgery: Removing tumors and affected tissues.
Chemotherapy: Using drugs to kill or slow the growth of cancer cells.
Radiation therapy: Using high-energy radiation to target and destroy cancer cells.
Immunotherapy: Enhancing the body's immune system to fight cancer.
Hormone therapy: Blocking or removing hormones that fuel certain types of cancer.
Targeted therapy: Using drugs or other substances to specifically target cancer cells without affecting normal cells.

Research: Oncologists are also involved in clinical research to develop new treatments and improve existing ones. This includes clinical trials that test new drugs, therapies, and diagnostic tools.

Supportive Care: This aspect of oncology addresses the management of symptoms and side effects of cancer and its treatment, aiming to improve the quality of life for patients. This can involve pain management, nutritional support, psychological counseling, and palliative care.

Prevention and Screening: Oncologists work on strategies to prevent cancer, including lifestyle changes, vaccinations (like HPV vaccines), and regular screening programs to detect cancer early when it is most treatable.

Oncology is further divided into various subspecialties based on the type of cancer, patient demographics, or treatment methods, including:

Medical Oncology: Focuses on treating cancer with chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, and other medications.
Surgical Oncology: Specializes in the surgical aspects of cancer treatment.
Radiation Oncology: Uses radiation therapy as a primary treatment modality.
Pediatric Oncology: Deals with cancers in children.
Hematologic Oncology: Specializes in cancers of the blood, such as leukemia and lymphoma.

Overall, oncology is a multidisciplinary field that integrates medical expertise, research, and compassionate care to combat one of the most challenging diseases.

What is Oncology?

USFDA-Approved Procedure

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Best Doctors for Cancer Treatment








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Delivering Seamless Surgical Experience in India

Krescent Healthcare is your partner in maintaining good health. Our team of skilled healthcare professionals provides a wide range of services designed to help you maintain optimal health both physically and mentally.


Safe and Secure Healthcare During COVID-19:

In order to ensure the safety of our patients, staff, and visitors, we conduct thermal screenings, maintain social distancing, and regularly sanitise our clinics and hospital rooms.


Combining Medical Expertise and Technology for Optimal Results:

With our advanced laser and laparoscopic procedures, we provide patients with the safest and most effective surgical treatments available. All of our procedures are FDA-approved, ensuring the highest quality of care.


Enhanced Surgical Assistance and Guidance:

You will have access to a dedicated Care Coordinator who will assist you with all aspects of your surgery, from insurance paperwork to arranging a free commute.


Personalised Post-Surgery Care for a Successful Recovery:

We will be with you every step of the way to ensure that you have a successful recovery. We will provide you with personalised instructions on how to care for yourself after surgery, including dietary tips and exercises.

  1. General Symptoms:Unexplained weight loss: Losing weight without trying can be a sign of several types of cancer.
    Fever: Persistent or recurrent fever may be an indicator, especially if it is not related to an infection.
    Fatigue: Extreme tiredness that doesn’t improve with rest.
    Pain: Persistent pain that has no clear cause and doesn’t go away.

  2. Symptoms Related to Specific Cancers:Skin Changes: New moles, changes in existing moles, or sores that do not heal can be signs of skin cancer.
    Breast Changes: Lumps, changes in breast size or shape, skin dimpling, or nipple discharge may indicate breast cancer.
    Changes in Bowel or Bladder Habits: Persistent constipation, diarrhea, blood in the stool, or changes in urine can be symptoms of colorectal or bladder cancer.
    Persistent Cough or Hoarseness: A cough that doesn’t go away, hoarseness, or blood in sputum may be signs of lung or throat cancer.
    Difficulty Swallowing: Persistent trouble swallowing might indicate esophageal or throat cancer.
    Unusual Bleeding or Discharge: Blood in urine, vaginal bleeding outside of normal menstrual cycles, or unusual discharge can be symptoms of cancers in the urinary or reproductive systems.
    Lumps or Swelling: Unexplained lumps, especially in the neck, armpit, or groin, may be signs of lymphoma or other cancers.
    Jaundice: Yellowing of the skin and eyes can be a sign of liver or pancreatic cancer.

  3. Symptoms of Advanced Cancer:Neurological Symptoms: Headaches, seizures, or changes in behavior might indicate brain cancer.
    Bone Pain: Persistent or severe bone pain can be a sign that cancer has spread to the bones.
    Breathing Difficulties: Shortness of breath or chronic respiratory issues can indicate lung cancer or metastasis to the lungs.
    Swelling: Edema, or swelling in the abdomen or limbs, can be caused by cancers that affect the lymphatic system or other organs.

These symptoms can be caused by conditions other than cancer, so it's important to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis. Early detection and diagnosis are crucial for effective cancer treatment and management.

Diffrence between oncologist and onco surgeon ?


1. Types of Oncologists:

  • Medical Oncologist: Specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer using chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy.

  • Radiation Oncologist: Focuses on treating cancer with radiation therapy.

  • Hematologic Oncologist: Specializes in cancers of the blood, such as leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma.

2. Responsibilities:

  • Diagnosis: Collaborates with other specialists to diagnose cancer through various tests and biopsies.

  • Treatment Planning: Develops and oversees comprehensive treatment plans that may include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy.

  • Medication Management: Prescribes and manages cancer medications and monitors their effects.

  • Follow-up Care: Monitors patients' progress, manages side effects, and adjusts treatment plans as necessary.

  • Palliative Care: Provides care focused on relieving symptoms and improving quality of life for patients with advanced cancer.

Onco Surgeon (Surgical Oncologist)

1. Specialization:

  • Surgical Expertise: Specializes in the surgical removal of tumors and cancerous tissues. They are trained in complex surgical procedures specific to cancer treatment.

2. Responsibilities:

  • Surgical Diagnosis: Performs biopsies and other surgical procedures to obtain tissue samples for cancer diagnosis.

  • Tumor Removal: Conducts surgeries to remove tumors and surrounding tissues to ensure complete cancer excision.

  • Reconstructive Surgery: May perform reconstructive surgeries post-tumor removal to restore function and appearance, especially in cases like breast cancer.

  • Collaborative Treatment: Works closely with medical and radiation oncologists to integrate surgical treatment into the overall cancer care plan.

  • Pre- and Post-Surgical Care: Manages pre-operative and post-operative care, including monitoring recovery and managing complications related to surgery.

Summary of Differences

  • Training and Focus: Oncologists are trained in medical treatments of cancer (chemotherapy, immunotherapy, etc.), while onco surgeons are specialized in performing surgical procedures to remove cancer.

  • Role in Treatment: Oncologists primarily manage non-surgical aspects of cancer care, whereas onco surgeons focus on the surgical removal of cancerous tissues.

  • Collaboration: Both types of specialists often work together as part of a multidisciplinary team to provide comprehensive cancer care.

In summary, while both oncologists and onco surgeons are integral to cancer treatment, their roles are distinct and complementary, with one focusing on medical treatments and the other on surgical interventions.

What makes  Krescent Healthcare the best choice for advanced neurological condition?

In order to make the patient's treatment journey easier,  Krescent Healthcare is  a full-stack healthcare provider that fills all the gaps. We have  several specialised eye centres across India to provide patients with  advanced cancer treatment. In addition,  Krescent Healthcare offers a number of additional benefits:

  • We provide end-to-end assistance. Our medical  coordinator will contact you at the start of the  treatment and stay  with you until the end.

  • Our team of insurance experts assists you in  filing medical claims by reviewing your insurance policy and advising  you on the maximum benefits you can obtain.

  • In order to make medical finance easier on the  patient's pocket, several payment options are available, such as cash,  cashless, and zero-cost EMI.

To make the commute convenient for patients, a free cab service is offered for pick-up and drop-off on the day of surgery.

To promote healing, a free follow-up consultation is provided.

Our Specialities

In addition to meeting all your healthcare needs, we offer a wide range of services. Explore our specialties and discover how we can improve your health and well-being today. Our team of highly qualified professionals strives to deliver exceptional care with compassion and integrity.


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