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The Best ENT Surgeons Offer Advanced Adenoidectomy

In order to improve breathing and prevent complications like sleep apnea, sinusitis, tonsillitis, etc., an adenoidectomy involves surgical removal of swollen, inflamed, or infected adenoids. Find out about minimally invasive adenoidectomy in India by contacting us.

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Best Doctor For Adenoid Removal Surgery (Adenoidectomy)


Dr. Rahul Sharma 






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DR. Falguni Rakesh Verma 






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What is adenoidectomy?

Adenoidectomy surgery involves removing infected, inflamed, or enlarged adenoid glands. Adenoid glands are small pads of immune tissues that are important parts of the immune system in kids. As they grow, though, their function decreases, and eventually, they begin to degenerate.

In some cases, however, instead of degenerating, they may become infected and cause problems such as obstructive sleep apnea, snoring, postnasal drip, sore throats, etc. Generally, such problems can be managed medically, but in severe cases, surgical intervention is necessary. To treat sore throats and other throat infections, adenoidectomy is often combined with tonsillectomy.

Best ENT clinics

Adenoidectomy is a complex surgery and advanced surgical infrastructure is necessary to provide successful surgical outcomes without complications. Krescent Healthcare is associated with one of the best ENT clinics in India. In addition, Krescent Healthcare clinics are equipped with advanced infrastructure to provide expert diagnosis and treatment to all of its patients.

Finding a clinic, managing the insurance process, etc., can cause additional stress to patients. To mitigate this, we take care of the patient's entire treatment journey and ensure that they are not inconvenienced during their treatment. Find out more about adenoidectomy by booking a consultation and treatment appointment at one of our ENT clinics near you.

Adenoidectomy Treatment


To diagnose adenoiditis, an ENT doctor will review your medical history and perform a physical examination to determine the cause, extent, and severity. During the physical examination, the doctor will examine the throat tissues using a speculum and palpate the lymph nodes present in the throat region to check for inflammation.

In severe cases, they may also prescribe endoscopy and imaging tests such as CT scans, MRIs, etc., to determine the full extent of the infection. Next, throat swabs will be collected for tissue culture and lab examination.


Your doctor will carefully study the results of the diagnostic tests and discuss your treatment and surgery options with you. Adenoidectomy will be planned and integrated into the treatment plan along with other surgical procedures such as tonsillectomy, FESS, septoplasty, etc.

The doctor will hold your mouth open with a retractor once you are anaesthetised and then use a curette or laser to remove the adenoids. Following the surgery, he will either use sutures or cauterizers to close the surgical incision. The entire procedure will take less than 30 minutes, and you will be taken to a recovery room for immediate postsurgical observation. Most patients are discharged the same day as the surgery.

preparation for Adenoidectomy Surgery

Make sure your ENT surgeon is aware of all the medicines you are taking and if you have any allergies. Provide your ENT surgeon with your entire medical history. You need to let them know if you have bleeding or clotting disorders so that the surgery can be planned accordingly. You may need to stop taking your blood thinners or increase the dosage of your blood clotters a couple of days before the surgery.

You should not self-medicate before or after your surgery. Medicines like aspirin and ibuprofen can adversely affect your blood clotting, causing haemorrhage. Make sure you understand all the dietary precautions you need to take before your surgery if you will be under general anaesthesia.

In addition, do not wear any perfume, jewellery, or makeup when you arrive at the hospital for surgery if you smoke or consume tobacco regularly.

Benefits of an adenoidectomy

In the event that you (or your child) suffer from frequent adenoid infections, an adenoidectomy may be able to improve your quality of life:

  • In the event that you (or your child) suffer from frequent adenoid infections, an adenoidectomy may be able to improve your quality of life:

  • Enhancing the quality of your voice.

  • Reducing mouth breathing in children and improving breathing and airway

  • Reducing/treating ear infections

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