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FESS Surgery

Experience the Specialised Treatment for Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS)

The Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) procedure is an effective, long-lasting minimally invasive procedure for severe chronic sinus infections. We are one of the leading surgical providers for FESS and other similar ENT procedures required to effectively and safely treat sinusitis.

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USFDA-Approved Procedure

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Best Doctor for Sinus Surgery (FESS)


Dr. Rahul Sharma 






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MBBS, MS - General Surgery

DR. Falguni Rakesh Verma 






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MBBS, MS - General Surgery

Dr. Sanjeev Gupta






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What is Endoscopic Sinus Surgery?

In endoscopic sinus surgery, an endoscope (a thin, rigid tube with a camera and light) is used to remove blockages and treat sinus problems. Due to the fact that it is performed entirely through the nostrils, there is no need to cut the skin.

A high success rate of 80-90% has been reported for endoscopic sinus surgery. It is extremely safe and can be easily performed in kids over two years of age. In order to prevent long-term sinus complications or breathing issues, it is important to ensure they receive proper care after sinus surgery.

Diagnostic Tests of Surgery

Due to its distinctive symptoms, sinusitis can be easily diagnosed, including postnasal drip, facial heaviness, swelling and pain around the eyes, cheeks, nose, and forehead, and blocked nasal passages. To determine a treatment plan, however, a comprehensive diagnosis is necessary, especially if the patient isn't improving through medical treatment. Common diagnostic tests for sinusitis include:

  • CT scans, X-rays, and other imaging tests.

  • Analysing nasal and sinus discharge in the lab

  • Nasal endoscopy

In addition to determining the cause of sinus infection, these tests determine if the patient has a deviated nasal septum or nasal polyps.

Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

The most common surgery for sinus issues is called endoscopic sinus surgery. It aims to widen the passages between the nose and sinuses, removing infected bone tissue that may be blocking mucus from draining properly. To carry out this surgery, doctors use an endoscope to see inside the nose and sinuses and precisely complete the procedure. 

During the operation, they will apply a decongestant and numbing solution in the nose before inserting surgical tools with the endoscope to eliminate any blockages, such as damaged tissue or polyps. The surgeon will then pack bandages into your nose to absorb any blood or discharge.

Preparation for Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

  • The night before surgery, medication to reduce respiratory secretions is usually given to reduce inflammation and infection of the sinuses.

  • Aspirin, anticoagulants, and NSAIDs should be discontinued at least two weeks before surgery since they increase bleeding risk.

  • In order to recover quickly from surgery, you must refrain from smoking for at least a month before and after the surgery.

  • You must check into the hospital the night before the procedure. You must avoid eating or drinking after midnight to avoid anaesthesia-related complications. You can occasionally need intravenous fluids to stay hydrated.

Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Recovery

Your healthcare provider will provide you with instructions regarding wound care, medication usage, and nasal care after surgery.

  • As a result of surgery, you can expect discomfort, pain, and swelling. Pain medications can help manage these symptoms. Proper rest is essential during this time to promote healing.

  • Excessive exercise can delay the healing process during the recovery period.

  • Congestion, discharge, or slight bleeding can be treated with nasal saline rinses or sprays.

  • To track your recovery and resolve any issues, you must keep all scheduled follow-up appointments with your doctor. Recovery periods can vary depending on the surgery.

  • Your healthcare provider's instructions are essential for a successful and hassle-free recovery.

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