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Nasal Polyps

Diagnosis, Surgery, and Recovery from Nasal Polyps

The best healthcare center for safe and effective treatment of nasal polyps can be found at Krescent Healthcare. They work with expert and experienced ENT surgeons to provide reliable nasal polyp treatment.

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What are Nasal Polyps?

In the nose or sinuses, nasal polyps are common, fleshy, noncancerous, teardrop-shaped growths that usually appear around the openings of the sinuses.

Allergies and asthma are often associated with them. Small polyps are usually asymptomatic and do not require treatment, but large polyps can cause various symptoms including sneezing, postnasal drip, runny noses, facial pains, etc. The sinuses can become infected if too much mucus builds up. Large polyps can block normal drainage from the sinuses.

Treatment options for nasal polyps

The chosen treatment for nasal polyps depends on the severity and size of the condition. A thorough diagnosis is necessary beforehand in order to determine the most suitable course of action.

This typically involves nasal endoscopy, CT scans, allergy tests, blood tests, and tissue cultures. The goal of nasal polyp treatment is to alleviate breathing issues such as sinusitis and asthma attacks by either reducing or removing the polyps entirely.

Typically, medication is the first line of treatment, but surgery may be necessary if medical options fail to shrink the polyps effectively.

Treatment of nasal polyps surgically

Endoscopic surgery is the top choice for treating nasal polyps. The procedure involves using an endoscope, which is a small tube equipped with a camera or magnifying glass, to remove polyps and other nasal obstructions through the nostrils. This results in better airflow in the nose and surrounding sinus areas. Additionally, this outpatient surgery requires no major incisions, leading to a speedy recovery process.

Polypectomy is another surgical procedure for the removal of nasal polyps. It is often performed if other treatment options fail to work.

Anaesthetics are used during the surgery, either locally or generally. By inserting a slender tube with a video camera into the nose and sinuses, the polyps can be removed using specialized tools. Occasionally, the surgeon may also remove sections of nasal bone to widen the airway. To prevent future occurrences, a corticosteroid nasal spray is typically prescribed by the physician. Additionally, using a saline wash may be suggested for aiding in the healing process after surgery.

Nasal polyps surgery preparation

It depends on the severity of the condition, the size of the polyps, the associated health conditions, and the type of treatment whether a nasal polyp requires surgery or not. It takes one to two weeks for patients to notice noticeable improvement in their symptoms, but most are advised to take medications for 4-6 weeks in order to prevent recurrences.

A patient can resume light activities and desk work within one week of endoscopic surgery; however, exercising and strenuous activities must be delayed for at least 2-3 weeks. Recovery usually takes at least 4-6 weeks to complete.

Nasal polyps Recovery

Recovery After Nasal Polyps Treatment

There is usually a recovery period after nasal polyps treatment depending on the severity of the condition, the size of the polyps, and the type of treatment. Patients usually notice a noticeable improvement in their symptoms within 1-2 weeks of medical management. However, in most cases, they are advised to take medicine for 4-6 weeks in order to prevent recurrence.

After endoscopic surgery, the patient can begin light activities and return to work within a week of surgery. However, you must refrain from strenuous activity and exercise for 2-3 weeks following the surgery. It usually takes 4-6 weeks for a complete recovery.

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