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In Krescent Healthcare Best Ent Specialists Performs Advanced Septoplasty Surgery

In septoplasty surgery, the nasal septum is corrected surgically to improve breathing and reduce sinus infections. We provide advanced septoplasty surgery in India with the best ENT specialists.

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What is Septoplasty?

The nasal septum (the partition between the nostrils) is repaired through septoplasty as a surgical procedure. A septum is a structure made of bone and cartilage in the central portion of the nose that separates one nasal cavity from another. It can block one side of the nose and cause significant airflow problems when it deviates.

A qualified surgeon should be consulted before undergoing septoplasty surgery to fully understand the potential risks and complications involved. Typically, the procedure is done with either general or local anaesthesia. Dissolvable stitches are then used to close the incisions, and temporary nasal packing or splints may provide necessary support for healing. While generally safe and effective, it is important to be aware that like any surgery, there are potential risks and complications involved with septoplasty.

Septoplasty Diagnosis

In order to diagnose, a doctor performs a physical exam and suggests imaging tests. A healthcare provider also asks about your medical history to determine if you have breathing problems. In order to assess the degree and complexity of the septal deviation, they use a speculum to look through your nostrils.

In some cases, an X-ray is performed to assess the nasal bone structure and the complexity of the deviation after a physical examination. An endoscopy is performed by the surgeon to visualise the internal structures and determine the best course of action. An endoscope (light with a camera) is inserted through the nostrils during the procedure.

Surgery procedure

An incision is made inside the nose to gain access to the septum during septoplasty, a surgical procedure that corrects a deviated septum under general or local anaesthesia. A surgeon then repositioned or removed the deviated parts of the nasal passage to improve airflow and straighten the nasal passage.

Incisions are closed with dissolvable stitches, and nasal packing or splints may be used to prevent bleeding and provide support. Additional procedures, such as turbinate reduction or nasal valve repair, may be performed if necessary. A qualified surgeon can provide you with personalised information based on your specific case. The duration of the surgery typically varies, but it is usually an outpatient procedure.

Benefits of Septoplasty Surgery

The following are some potential benefits of septoplasty surgery:

  • Better sleep quality: Septoplasty improves the airflow and overall quality of sleep by resolving obstructions caused by a crooked septum.

  • Improved breathing: During septoplasty, the nasal passages are opened, improving the flow of air to the lungs and the patient's ability to breathe.

  • Improved senses: By improving the flow of oxygenated air into the body, septoplasty improves the senses of patients who have impaired smell or taste.

  • Reduces sinus infections: By improving mucus drainage, septoplasty prevents sinus infections caused by partially or completely blocked sinuses.

Surgery Recovery After Septoplasty

To ensure a smooth recovery after septoplasty surgery, it is crucial to prioritise rest and avoid strenuous activities. Be sure to take all prescribed pain medication to manage any discomfort or swelling. Additionally, maintain nasal hygiene by using saline sprays or rinses to keep your passages clean and moist. Make sure to attend follow-up appointments as scheduled in order to monitor progress and address any concerns. 

It is important to note that forcefully blowing your nose should be avoided, and you should carefully follow your surgeon's instructions regarding the removal of nasal packing or splints, if necessary. For a few weeks following the surgery, refrain from heavy lifting or exercises as they can increase blood pressure. By adhering to these guidelines, you can help promote a successful recovery from septoplasty surgery.

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