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Inner Ear Surgery with Advanced Stapedectomy treatment

Krescent Healthcare offers advanced stapedectomy surgery as the best treatment for hearing loss caused by otosclerosis, abnormal hardening of the middle ear bones.

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Best Doctors For Stapedectomy Surgery


Dr. Rahul Sharma 






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What is stapedectomy?

If the patient suffers from hearing loss due to sclerosis or damage to the tiny U-shaped stapes (stirrup bone) in the middle ear, stapedectomy surgery is a minimally invasive surgery. In order to restore the patient's hearing, the stapes bone is removed and a prosthesis is inserted to emulate the movement of an active stapes bone.

In most cases, it is performed because of otosclerosis, a condition in which the stapes bone becomes fixed due to abnormal growth of bone tissue around it. A decrease in hearing ability occurs in one or both ears as a result of the bone not vibrating and amplifying sound waves.

As otosclerosis causes slow and gradual hearing loss, most patients aren't aware of it until the condition has worsened, complicating the treatment. Contact an ENT specialist if you have any hearing problems.

Best ENT clinics for stapedectomy

One of the largest and most prestigious surgery providers in India, Krescent Healthcare offers advanced USFDA-approved minimally invasive surgery for ENT problems, including stapedectomy.

In addition, Krescent Healthcare has partnered with the best ENT clinics in most major Indian cities to provide advanced treatment for ear problems.

Additionally, Krescent Healthcare offers free consultations, a complimentary cab service, and meal services to all patients. Contact us and schedule a free consultation with a top ENT doctor near you today.

Diagnostic Tests

You should undergo the following diagnostic tests if you have any degree of hearing loss to determine the cause and the appropriate treatment. The diagnostic procedure generally begins with a medical history and physical examination.

As otosclerosis is a hereditary disease, patients with a family history are at a greater risk of getting it. The ENT specialist will examine the patient's ear canal using an endoscope to determine if the symptoms are caused by an infection, sclerosis, trauma, etc. The ear with the worse hearing is operated on first if the patient has both ears with otosclerosis.

To determine the severity of hearing loss in a patient, an ENT may suggest the following hearing tests:

  • In audiometry, a range of tones is used to test hearing ability.

  • The tuning fork test measures how well sound is transmitted through the mastoid and middle ear bones.

  • By measuring the movement of the eardrum, tympanometry determines whether the hearing problems are caused by trauma or deformity of the tympanum.

Imaging tests such as CT scans and X-rays are also commonly required before stapedectomy, as they allow the ENT to visualise the internal structures and determine the extent of the sclerosis before determining the type of prosthesis to use.

Prepare for the surgery

Patients should be aware of the pros and cons of stapedectomy before undergoing it. After the surgery, there is a very small chance that they will have permanent sensorineural hearing loss, so they need to be prepared. To prevent complications, patients should also be properly advised about the recovery process after surgery.

The patient can take the following general preparation measures before surgery:

  • Smoking decreases the body's ability to recuperate, so you should stop smoking at least a few weeks before your surgery.

  • Exercise mildly to moderately and maintain a healthy weight.

  • Maintain a healthy weight and diet. Exercise mildly to moderately.

  • Get approval from your general practitioner/primary care provider if you have any pre-existing conditions.

How does a stapedectomy work?

ENT doctors generally recommend watchful waiting or the use of hearing aids for mild cases of otosclerosis. Hearing aids cannot reverse otosclerosis, but they can improve hearing ability before the disease progresses.

Depending on the severity of the patient's hearing loss, the doctor may recommend a stapedectomy surgery. The surgery is usually performed with local anaesthesia, so the patient can avoid complications associated with anaesthesia.

It may be necessary for the ENT surgeon to use a laser or microscopic instrument to lift the tympanum and gain access to the middle ear. A prosthetic device may then be fitted to replace the stapes.

In addition, the ear canal is packed and bandaged to protect the eardrum and prosthetic and aid in the patient's recovery after surgery. A complete surgery takes around 90 minutes to two hours.

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