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Diagnosis and Recovery from Turbinate Reduction Surgery

Visit Krescent Healthcare to consult our highly experienced ENT surgeons, who have ample experience in performing safe and effective turbinate reduction surgery. Book an appointment today.

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What is Turbinate Reduction Surgery?

In the case of chronic nasal congestion, turbinate reduction is a surgical procedure used to improve airflow. It is also known as nasal turbinate reduction and inferior turbinate reduction. Turbinates are small structures inside the nose that are used to clean, heat, and humidify air as it passes through the nasal cavity and into the lungs. By removing excess tissue around the turbinates, you will be able to breathe easier.

In general, turbinate reduction is a common surgical procedure that can be performed alone or in combination with other treatments, such as septoplasty or rhinoplasty. It usually takes ten minutes and is performed in an outpatient setting. During the recovery process, there is usually no pain, no change in the physical aspect, and no long-term side effects, such as loss of olfactory perception, as the surgery is performed under local anaesthesia.

Turbinate Reduction Diagnostic Tests

A healthcare provider will recommend a variety of diagnostic tests before turbinate reduction in order to determine the severity of the condition and to identify any underlying health issues that may complicate the procedure. Some common diagnostic tests are:

  • Nasal endoscopy: A nasal endoscopy uses an endoscope, a thin, flexible or rigid tube with a camera and light, to examine the nasal and sinus passages.

  • Physical examination: A doctor usually asks about a patient's medical history and medications during a physical examination.

  • Blood tests: In order to identify any health conditions or diseases that may complicate the surgery, a healthcare provider usually recommends blood tests.

Turbinate Reduction Benefits

Turbinate reduction has the following benefits:

  • Reduces chances of sinusitis: Turbinate reduction helps to reduce the chances of getting frequent sinus infections. Frequent sinus infections cause facial pain, nasal congestion, fever, and headaches.

  • Better sleep cycle:  With the turbinate reduction, the nasal passageway is cleared, which allows better airflow and a more comfortable night's sleep.

  • Clear sinuses: Inflamed turbinates cause sinus congestion. Turbinate reduction reduces nasal congestion, making breathing easier.

  • Less frequent headaches: The swollen turbinates can result in tension or pressure in the head, resulting in headaches. After the procedure, the turbinates will no longer be swollen, preventing tension headaches.

Turbinate Reduction Surgery Preparation

To prepare for turbinate reduction surgery, follow these tips:

  • Avoid alcohol and drugs: Before surgery, you must avoid alcohol and marijuana in any form for 24 hours.

  • Consult a doctor: The doctor will tell you what medications you should avoid and which you can continue taking during your consultation. They will also tell you when to stop eating and drinking before surgery.

  • Avoid smoking: To avoid complications, healthcare providers suggest avoiding smoking, chewing tobacco, and vaping four weeks before surgery.

  • Follow diet: Make sure you stay healthy. Eat and sleep well, and avoid eating 8 hours before surgery.

Recovery after Surgery

Depending on the individual, turbinate reduction surgery can result in varying degrees of recovery. Furthermore, it is influenced by the severity of the condition, the amount of excess tissue removed, and whether another sinus-opening procedure, such as balloon sinus dilation, was performed along with the turbinate surgery.

You must avoid strenuous activities and blowing your nose for several weeks after a complete turbinate reduction. For less turbinate reductions, recovery is usually quick and not very painful. It may be recommended by your doctor that you elevate your head while you sleep to avoid irritating your nose.

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