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Vocal Cord

Diagnosis & Treatment of Vocal Cord Polyps

Book an appointment with an expert ENT specialist near you for advanced vocal cord surgery.

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Dr. Rahul Sharma 






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What is vocal cord surgery?

Polyps occur on the surface of the vocal cords and can be confused with nodules, which are also caused by chronic abuse of the voice box. Most nodules occur as a result of overusing or misusing the voice box.

Males are more likely to develop polyps than females, and they are often caused by chronic or acute overuse of the voice. Polyps can range in size and shape from blisters to stalk-like growths, but they are typically found only on one side of the vocal fold.

Usually grow in pairs on the parts of the vocal cords that meet and vibrate when speaking or singing. They are small and look like callouses.

Diagnosis of vocal cord polyps

Healthcare providers usually recommend a variety of diagnostic tests to understand the severity of the condition, as well as to identify any underlying health conditions that may complicate treatment. Below are some common diagnostic tests:

  • Micro laryngoscopy: A test under anaesthesia is performed to examine the vocal cords even more closely. It is reserved for more complex or difficult cases.

  • Laryngoscopy: A doctor places a spaghetti-like camera into the nose and down the throat to examine the voice box.

  • Stroboscopy: In this test, a small, thin, flexible endoscope with a camera is gently inserted through the nose to the area in the back of the throat above the vocal cords. The vocal cords are evaluated for strength, pitch, and quality using this test.

Treatment of surgical vocal cord polyps

The following are some common surgical treatments for vocal cord polyps:

  • Laser endoscopic cricopharyngeal myotomy : During this surgery, the vocal folds are reconstructed in cases of severe dysphagia.

  • Laser vocal cord surgery : During the surgery, a laser is used to remove vocal cord lesions, tumours, polyps, etc. It usually takes about 60-90 minutes, and provides the best outcome.

  • Vocal cord injections : Collagen and other gel fillers are injected into the vocal cords to treat temporary vocal cord conditions such as paralysis and muscle weakness.

  • Laryngeal framework surgery : By modifying the cartilages that are attached to the vocal cords, the surgeon is able to improve the quality of voice by improving cord vibration and tension. The surgery is performed under local anaesthesia so that the patient can provide regular feedback regarding their voice as their voice is being adjusted.

The benefits of surgical treatment for vocal cord polyps

For the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of vocal fold lesions, including cancer, cysts, papillomas, polyps, and Reinke's edema, vocal cord surgery is the most effective and minimally invasive treatment. As well as managing acute and chronic vocal cord trauma, it provides effective management.

As a result of airway obstruction, most patients also need surgery if they suffer from dysphonia (poor voice quality), dysphagia (difficult swallowing), or stridor (abnormal, high-pitched, musical breathing sound).

Vocal cord surgery has the following long-term benefits:

  • Strengthening and restoring the quality of the voice.

  • Transgender people's vocal tone and pitch change.

  • Treatment of vocal cord lesions over the long term.

  • Nerve and tissue repair for damaged voices.

Preparation and Recovery of the Surgery

Vocal Cord Polyp Surgery Preparation

There can be severe ramifications for the patient's everyday life if the surgery is a little complex. Therefore, every patient should be thoroughly informed about the risks and benefits of the surgery before it is performed. The hoarseness and irritation of your vocal folds can be relieved by quitting smoking. You should also rest your voice and avoid acidic foods.

Vocal Cord Polyp Recovery

The duration of vocal cord surgery recovery may vary depending on the individual and the extent of the procedure. Typically, most individuals can resume their normal activities within one to two weeks, but it may take a few more weeks for the voice to completely return.

It is vital to adhere to the post-operative instructions given by the surgeon and refrain from strenuous activities like singing or speaking loudly until approved by the surgeon. Additionally, attending all scheduled follow-up appointments is imperative for proper monitoring of the healing process.

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