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IUI Treatment

Step-by-Step Procedure, Benefits, and Success Rate of IUI Treatment

Your hopes end when our care begins. If you are having difficulty conceiving a child, contact Krescent Healthcare, India's leading fertility treatment center that offers cost-effective treatment options. To begin your IUI treatment, contact our fertility doctors and IUI specialists.

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IUI - what is it?

Yearly, many individuals and couples are affected by infertility, hindering their hopes of becoming parents. Fortunately, there are now various treatments available for those seeking to conceive. Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is a popular and trusted option for addressing infertility. It involves the direct transfer of sperm into the female partner's uterus. During intercourse, only a small number of sperm typically reach the egg due to various factors, such as the reproductive health of both partners. In an IUI procedure, fertility experts select healthy sperm and place them directly into the uterus, simplifying the process and increasing the chances of having biological children for couples and individuals facing fertility challenges.

One of the most effective and reliable infertility treatments available today is IUI, which is less invasive than IVF or In Vitro Fertilization.In suitable patients, IUI has a success rate of almost 80% within three to six cycles. (Source: Cloudnine Fertility)

IUI Diagnostic Tests

The doctors utilize a thorough diagnostic method to identify fertility concerns, pinpoint the underlying cause of infertility, and eliminate potential reproductive health issues. Prior to IUI or any other fertility procedure, a series of tests are conducted for both the female and male partners as part of this diagnostic approach. While every clinic has standard tests that are performed, we will delve into those in more detail. Additionally, depending on the individual's situation, there may be specific tests recommended. Here are some of the standard diagnostic tests carried out before an Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) procedure:

Women's tests:

  • The purpose of ovulation testing is to determine whether the woman is ovulating.

  • A pelvic ultrasound is the most commonly performed imaging test before IUI treatment to rule out abnormalities in the uterus or the ovaries.

  • This test is done to determine the number of eggs a woman has in her ovaries at the beginning of her menstrual cycle.

Men's Tests:

  • These tests may involve MRI or ultrasound scans of the genitals to detect underlying abnormalities in male reproductive organs.

  • During a testicular biopsy, doctors can look for abnormalities in the male reproductive system.

  • A hormone test measures the level of testosterone or other hormones in the male partner.

  • Semen analysis is a test that involves taking sperm samples and examining them under a microscope. It is used to determine whether there is a problem with sperm quality that may be causing infertility.

IUI treatment: what happens?

An IUI expert will recommend a few diagnostic tests before starting the IUI treatment to determine exactly what is preventing the couple from conceiving. In a common scenario, the following tests are recommended for both the male and the female partner before IUI treatment:

Male tests before IUI

  • Several problems can occur with male sperm. The IUI specialist will collect the sperm sample and send it to the lab in a clean container in order to determine the exact problem. The semen sample is then analyzed in the lab to determine the exact problem.

  • Males are often recommended to undergo imaging tests such as MRIs or ultrasounds of their genitals to determine if any organ abnormalities exist.

  • The testicular biopsy is another way to identify and determine whether there are any abnormalities in the male reproductive system that may contribute to infertility. It might be necessary for the couple to use donor sperm if the test shows any significant abnormality.

  • The level of testosterone and other male hormones in a male is estimated by hormone testing.

  • In genetic testing, it is possible to determine whether a genetic defect in the male's genitals is contributing to the couple's inability to conceive.

Pre-IUI tests for females

  • A blood test can help determine whether or not you are ovulating through ovulation testing.

  • In many cases, problems with the ovaries and uterus can contribute to a couple's inability to conceive through imaging tests. In order to determine whether a woman's uterus or her ovaries have any abnormalities, imaging tests like pelvic ultrasound are mainly recommended.

  • The doctor can determine how many eggs are available in your ovaries for ovulation using this test. IVF specialists may ask you to test your hormone levels at the beginning of your menstrual cycle to evaluate your ovarian reserve. The doctor will use an alternative treatment approach if he or she finds any abnormalities in your ovarian reserve.

What are the benefits of IUI treatment?

Prior to recommending an IUI treatment, the doctors carefully evaluate the patient’s eligibility. It is important to note that not all individuals are eligible for this specific treatment and it may not be suitable for everyone seeking help with their fertility concerns. To determine suitability, the doctors utilize diagnostic tests and assess the patient’s sexual habits. Ideal candidates for an IUI procedure include:

  • The procedure may be beneficial for men with low sperm counts, abnormal shapes of sperm, erectile dysfunction, inability to ejaculate sperm, or anejaculation. On the other hand, men with sperm counts less than 1 million may not qualify.

  • It is a condition in which ovulatory dysfunction or anovulation occurs, ovulation induction fails, endometriosis occurs, PCOS/PCOD occurs, and semen allergy occurs. The IUI treatment cannot be performed on women with both blocked or removed fallopian tubes or severe pelvic infections.

  • The doctors may not be able to determine the cause of infertility in some cases. This is known as unexplained infertility. In cases of unexplained infertility, IUI may also be recommended, as it improves fertility chances. Also recommended are IUIs for same-sex or LGBT couples, HIV positive couples, and single women.

IUI treatment: when should you consult a fertility expert?

If you and your partner have been having unprotected sex for over a year, but are still unable to conceive, you should consult an IUI specialist. Although you can try on your own for as long as you like, it is best to get medical help as soon as possible.

Couples may consult a fertility expert for IUI treatment if they fail to conceive after unprotected sex for a year. Also, a couple may consult a fertility expert if they experience any of the following:

  • Female partners with ovulation disorders, irregular ovulation, or PCOD/PCOS

  • Infertile couples with unexplained infertility

  • Semen abnormalities or ejaculation disorders in the male partner

  • Infertile couples, heterosexual couples struggling with male factor infertility, or single women seeking conception can benefit from donor sperm.

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