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IVF Treatment

A step-by-step guide to IVF treatment, including success rates and costs

Get in touch with our fertility specialists to get started with your IVF treatment procedure at Krescent Healthcare IVF Centre, India's trusted fertility center.

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How does IVF work?

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a medical procedure used to assist individuals or couples struggling with infertility in becoming parents. It involves the combination of an egg and sperm outside of the body in a laboratory. This assisted reproductive technique has shown to be successful for those who have not had success with other treatments. It can be a viable choice for a range of fertility issues, such as fallopian tube problems, endometriosis, low sperm count, and more.

IVF, a safe procedure known for increasing the likelihood of pregnancy, provides a sense of hope and support for those struggling to conceive. This technique not only allows individuals or couples to fulfill their desire for a child, but also presents options for single women and same-sex couples through the use of donated eggs or sperm. Thanks to this revolutionary approach, the dream of having a healthy baby is now attainable for many. Its proven success and low risk make it an increasingly sought-after option in recent years.

How successful is IVF in India?

The success rate of IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) in India is currently between 70% and 80%, with this rate continuously improving with medical advancements. However, it is important to note that success rates can vary widely depending on several factors.

The age of the woman receiving treatment is a crucial factor as fertility decreases with age. Generally, younger women have a better chance of conceiving through IVF compared to those who have surpassed a specific age. The cause of infertility is also influential in the success of IVF. Issues like blocked fallopian tubes or endometriosis can impact the chances of success. Additionally, the quality of both the egg and sperm utilized in the IVF procedure greatly influences the outcome.

The success rate of the treatment can also be affected by the type of infertility, such as primary infertility (never conceived before) or secondary infertility (previously conceived but unable to conceive again). The success rate of IVF can be affected by a variety of factors, which is why it is vital for individuals considering IVF to discuss their specific chances of success with their healthcare provider in detail.

IUI vs. IVF: What's the Difference?

When patients are unable to conceive naturally, IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) and IUI (Intrauterine Insemination) are often suggested as fertility treatments. In spite of the fact that both procedures aim to help infertile couples and individuals achieve their dream of becoming parents, they differ in certain ways. Let us take a closer look at the differences between the procedures.

  • As part of IVF, the woman's eggs are surgically retrieved from her ovaries and fertilized with sperm in a laboratory. As a result of this procedure, embryos are cultured and transferred to the uterus for possible implantation. IUI, on the other hand, involves inserting prepared sperm directly into the uterus of a woman with the assistance of a catheter. It is done during ovulation to increase the chances of fertilization.

  • In IVF, fertilization takes place outside the body in a petri dish, while in IUI, fertilization occurs naturally in the woman's reproductive system.

  • There's also a difference in cost between the two procedures, as IUI procedures cost less than IVF procedures in less serious cases of infertility.

  • There is also a difference in the success rates of these two procedures. IVF procedures tend to have higher success rates than IUI procedures.

After assessing an individual's overall health and understanding the cause of their infertility, the doctors determine which procedure is best for them.

IVF Treatment: What are the Benefits?

For individuals or couples struggling to conceive naturally, IVF is widely recognized as the most effective fertility treatment available. IVF provides a ray of hope when other methods of conception fail. IVF has a number of benefits that can significantly improve the chances of achieving a successful pregnancy:

  • It is often recommended when other fertility treatments have not been successful. IVF offers a higher success rate than other methods, giving individuals or couples a renewed chance of conceiving.

  • The chances of conceiving a healthy baby are higher with IVF compared to natural conception or other fertility treatments. IVF can increase the chance of a successful pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby by selecting the healthiest embryos for implantation.

  • Conception is significantly increased with IVF. IVF bypasses many of the obstacles that prevent natural conception by combining eggs and sperm directly in a controlled laboratory environment. It increases the likelihood of pregnancy by maximizing fertilization and implantation chances.

  • The joy of parenthood is possible for single women and same-sex couples through IVF. Couples and individuals who do not have a traditional biological path to conceive a child can conceive and build a family with IVF thanks to donated eggs or sperm.

The overall outcome of IVF is positive for individuals or couples who are struggling with fertility. It offers effective results when other treatments have failed, increases the chances of conceiving a healthy baby, improves the chances of successful conception, and provides opportunities for diverse individuals and couples to experience parenthood fulfillment.

IVF risks and complications

It is a safe reproductive technique, and there are very few chances of complications when it is performed under the supervision of a fertility specialist. The procedure can, however, be associated with some complications at different stages, such as:

  • IVF is associated with mild bruising and soreness at the injection sites during ovarian stimulation.

  • The patient is given a high dosage of medications at the beginning of IVF, which may cause nausea and vomiting in some women.

  • There are many women who complain of allergic reactions, itching, and redness around the injection site.

  • The rate of miscarriage in IVF cases is significantly higher than in normal pregnancies.

  • As a result of hormonal imbalance, the woman may experience breast tenderness, vaginal discharge, and mood swings.

  • The risk of multiple births increases with the transfer of multiple embryos to the uterus during IVF.

  • An abnormal reaction to excess hormones is known as ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHS). OHS occurs when the ovaries become painful and tend to become swollen as a result of hormonal medications that stimulate the development of eggs. OHS can cause kidney failure and blood clots in the ovaries in rare situations.

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