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Laser Vaginal Tightening

The procedure, benefits, and recovery of laser vaginal tightening

Do you suffer from urinary incontinence or low self-esteem because of a loose vagina? Don't worry. The vagina can become loose for a variety of reasons, including pregnancy, weight fluctuations, and trauma. Our advanced laser vaginal tightening treatment addresses the health and cosmetic concerns associated with a loose vagina at a cost-effective price. Schedule a consultation with one of our experienced cosmetic gynaecologists today by calling our care coordinators.

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Laser Vaginal Tightening


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What is laser vaginal tightening?

A vaginal tightening procedure involves tightening a loose vaginal area, as the name suggests. It is often chosen by women who suffer from urinary incontinence, vaginal prolapse, or low self-esteem due to a loose vagina to resolve these issues and boost their self-esteem.

Although there is a common misconception that the vagina can become loose from sexual activity or other factors, this is not typically the case. However, certain factors like childbirth or ageing may cause some looseness in the vaginal area. To address this, a vaginal tightening procedure can be performed on various parts of the vagina, including its walls. This procedure helps to correct stretched structures caused by pregnancy, weight loss, ageing, or sagging skin around the vaginal area. It can also help treat medical issues like urinary incontinence and organ dysfunction. Laser vaginal tightening is one of the most frequently performed procedures to tighten a loose vagina.

Procedure Performed for Laser Vaginal Tightening

A laser vaginal tightening procedure is performed in a doctor's clinic or in a hospital. It typically takes 10 to 15 minutes to complete, but the duration can vary from patient to patient. As soon as the doctor has assessed the patient's condition, he or she decides what type of laser and other equipment to use. The procedure involves the following steps:

  • A lithotomy position involves lying on the back with the legs raised and the hips and knees separated.

  • In order to prevent infection, the doctor cleans the area.

  • To prevent pain or discomfort, the patient is given topical anaesthesia.

  • An external genital area or fractional CO2 laser probe is then inserted about 4 to 6 centimeters into the patient’s vagina. At the top of the laser probe is a light beam that heats up the treatment area and stimulates collagen production. Laser beams penetrate the vaginal wall about 0.5 millimeters, allowing maximum protein stimulation.

  • Heat is evenly distributed in the affected area by rotating the probe.

  • The vagina and surrounding areas are cleaned after the probe is removed.

Generally, it's recommended that women get the procedure multiple times, in order to get the best outcomes and maintain the results. Each session is typically spaced four to six weeks apart. This treatment ensures overall vaginal improvement and considerable satisfaction for the patient.

Benefits of Vaginal Tightening

There are many benefits to laser vaginal tightening, which is why it has become a popular procedure in recent years. It improves vaginal tightness and makes women feel much more confident about themselves. The laser vaginal tightening procedure has many other benefits, including:

  • Vaginal tightness is improved: Using this procedure, women can regain their lost confidence and feel younger by resolving issues related to vaginal laxity.

  • Self-confidence is greatly boosted: Several women experience a loss of confidence or self-esteem as a result of increased vaginal laxity. Laser vaginal tightening can help restore confidence by improving appearance and function.

  • Non Surgical Procedure: Incisions and lengthy recovery times are not required for laser vaginal tightening, which is a non-surgical procedure. Outpatient treatment is usually performed in a clinic setting, and patients can resume their normal activities shortly afterward.

  • Improved Sexual Satisfaction: Both women and their partners can be affected by loose vaginal tissues when it comes to sexual pleasure and intimacy. By restoring vaginal tightness, laser vaginal tightening can enhance sensations during sexual intercourse, resulting in higher levels of sexual satisfaction.

  • Long Lasting results: Despite individual experiences varying, most women can enjoy the benefits of laser vaginal tightening for a very long time.

Preparation for Laser Vaginal Tightening

To ensure complete preparedness before the laser vaginal tightening procedure and prevent potential complications, patients must follow certain instructions to prepare for the procedure. Patients can help prevent potential complications by following these instructions steps to ensure a smoother laser vaginal tightening procedure.

  • Management of medications: The patient must follow the doctor's guidance regarding medication usage before undergoing laser vaginal tightening if the doctor advises avoiding certain medications.

  • All medical records should be obtained: Patients must bring their relevant medical records to the procedure, including diagnostic test results, imaging reports, and other important documents. By doing so, the healthcare team will be able to provide optimal care and have a comprehensive understanding of the patient's medical history.

  • Address concerns and questions: Patients should speak to their doctor about any concerns or doubts they may have prior to the procedure. In order to reduce anxiety and ensure well-informedness, they may ask questions regarding the procedure, potential risks, expected outcomes, and any other information that may help.

Precautions for Laser Vaginal Tightening

After your vaginal tightening treatment, your body will take some time to heal, so it is extremely important to take some precautions in order to get a faster recovery -

  • In the short term, avoid lifting heavy weights and exercising, as it can lead to sweating and affect your vaginal health.

  • Allow your body to recover and heal after the treatment by refraining from sexual activity for at least 7-14 days.

  • To prevent microbial infection, keep the treated area clean and dry.

  • Using scented soaps in the vaginal area can alter the pH level of the vaginal area and cause an imbalance between healthy and unhealthy bacteria.

  • Get enough sleep and rest to help your body repair and recover.

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