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Ectopic Pregnancy Treatment

Ectopic Pregnancy Treatment by Expert Gynecologist

We offer expert obstetrics-gynaecologists for ectopic pregnancy treatment at Krescent Healthcare

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Treatment for Ectopic Pregnancy

In ectopic pregnancy, the fertilised egg implants outside the uterus, usually in the fallopian tubes, ovaries, abdominal cavities, or other organs.

After it is implanted, a fertilised egg typically cannot grow outside of the uterus. This can result in life-threatening issues if an ectopic pregnancy occurs. To prevent this danger, early removal of the ectopic tissues is crucial. The appropriate method (medications, abdominal surgery, or D&C or laparoscopy) will depend on your stage of pregnancy and the signs and symptoms present, as determined by a gynaecologist or obstetrician-gynaecologist.

Ectopic pregnancy diagnosis and treatment

To confirm that the pregnancy is ectopic, the gynaecologist performs the following tests, first to confirm the pregnancy and then to confirm that it is ectopic.

  • Urine test- A urine test is typically done in the clinic. The gynaecologist either takes a urine test strip or asks you to urinate into a cup. If the urine contains human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), the pregnancy is confirmed.

  • Blood test- If the doctor detects the presence of hCG hormone in the blood sample, the pregnancy is confirmed. Blood tests work similarly to urine tests.

  • Ultrasound-  It is a standard imaging test used by gynaecologists to determine whether a fertilised egg has been implanted or not within the uterine wall. Your healthcare provider will determine if the egg has been implanted outside the uterus and what course of action to take. Ectopic pregnancy is an emergency and must be treated immediately.

Ectopic Pregnancy Treatments

  • Medicine for ectopic pregnancy - Medical management is available for termination of ectopic pregnancy, but it is not commonly preferred because the procedure is longer and requires constant monitoring and attention. It also carries an increased risk of repeat ectopic pregnancy. If, however, the ectopic pregnancy is detected earlier in the cycle and the patient prefers medical management, the following may be used:

  • Medicine: Methotrexate A single dose of methotrexate is administered directly by injection. hCG levels are monitored before and after the procedure. If levels do not decrease after the first dose, a second dose may be required. Ultrasound is used to confirm termination.

Different surgical approaches for ectopic pregnancy

1. Dilation and Curettage (D&C): The removal of cervical ectopic pregnancies

Procedure: After the cervix is dilated with medicine, the foetus and its remaining tissues are scraped through a specialized medical device.

2. Laparoscopic Surgery: The most advanced, minimally invasive method for removing fallopian ectopics, ovarian ectopics, and abdominal ectopics.

Procedure: In order to perform the procedure, a laparoscope is used. This is a tiny, specialized catheter with a light and camera attached to it. By magnifying the otherwise smaller, narrower organs, your surgeon is able to see them with greater precision and better visibility.

The procedure begins with a small keyhole-sized port being made at the site. A few tiny keyhole ports are then created if necessary to remove the ectopic foetus via laparoscopic instruments. 1-2 dissolvable sutures are used to close the main port after the surgery, while the remainder heals by itself.

3. Abdominal surgery: A conventional open cut procedure is used to remove ectopic pregnancies from the fallopian tube, ovary, and abdomen.

Procedure: An open-cut procedure for removing ectopic pregnancies from the fallopian tube, ovary, and abdominal cavity.

Preparation for Ectopic Surgery

The following are some ways you can prepare well for ectopic pregnancy removal surgery:

  • Consult your doctor about all medications, supplements, and herbal potions you are taking.

  • It may be necessary to stop certain medications such as ibuprofen, insulin, or blood thinners for a few days. This is because they can interfere with the surgery and may result in excessive bleeding.

  • Surgery cannot be performed if blood pressure or sugar levels are out of balance. Therefore, these conditions must first be addressed before surgery can be performed.

  • If you eat or drink within 4-6 hours of surgery, you may experience anaesthesia-related complications.

  • After your surgery, change into loose cotton clothing.

  • If you experience vaginal bleeding after surgery, carry a pack of soft sanitary pads.

Effects of ectopic pregnancy surgery

After an ectopic pregnancy treatment, each woman experiences different physical, mental, and emotional side effects. Some long-term effects of ectopic pregnancy are:

  • Psychological effects - After an ectopic pregnancy ends, women often feel grief and guilt. Common feelings include PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), anxiety, and depression.

  • Fertility - When a woman has an ectopic pregnancy, her ovaries and fallopian tubes may be removed. According to some studies, 65% of women who undergo an ectopic operation have a healthy, successful pregnancy within 18 months. Some studies suggest this rises to 85% within two years. This is a positive sign for future pregnancies.

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