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Surgery Procedure, Benefits, and Recovery of Labiaplasty

Talk to our gynaecologist about labiaplasty if you want to correct the shape of your labia and enhance its appearance.

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What is labiaplasty?

During a labiaplasty, the inner folds of skin surrounding the urethra and vagina are altered in size. The purpose of this surgery is to reduce or increase the size of the labia to improve their appearance or to address any physical discomfort or irritation the woman may be experiencing.

Labiaplasty surgery is a personal decision for women, with motivations that vary. Some may seek it for medical, physical, or cosmetic reasons. Medically speaking, it may be advised if the size or shape of the labia causes discomfort or hinders daily tasks. This could include experiencing pain during sexual intercourse or while wearing certain clothing due to excessively large labia. In these instances, reducing their size can bring relief.

Many women undergo labiaplasty for cosmetic or physical reasons, such as correcting asymmetry or restoring the labia after childbirth or trauma. In addition, some individuals may choose to undergo labiaplasty to improve the appearance of their genital area for personal preferences, etc.

Labiaplasty Techniques

As part of the labiaplasty surgical procedure, the labia minora and inner lips of the vulva are reduced in size to enhance the appearance of the vulva. In the past, doctors were limited in their approach to labia reduction surgery to a single method. Today, doctors can treat the labia in three different ways thanks to advances in medical technology and techniques:

  • De-epithelialization procedure : In this procedure, the gynaecologist removes the inner lining of the labia under general anaesthesia. Post-surgical complications and recovery time are less than all other procedures.

  • Edge trim Procedure : With the help of a laser or scalpel, the surgeon in this procedure makes a vertical incision along the length of the labia minora under general anaesthesia. Once the linear incision is made, the doctor removes the excess tissue around the labia minora to make it look more symmetrical with the labia majora.

  • Wedge procedure : As part of this procedure, a wedge-shaped section of excess tissue is removed from the labia minora, while the surgeon keeps the submucosa intact and removes only the thickest part of the inner lips. The procedure is also performed under anaesthesia.

What is the procedure for Labiaplasty?

An inner fold of skin surrounding the vaginal opening is called the labia minora, and it can be altered in size, shape, or appearance with labiaplasty surgery. A labiaplasty can be performed in a variety of ways depending on the case and the tools and technology available.

  • Anaesthesia administration : A labiaplasty is a surgical procedure performed under local anaesthesia or general anaesthesia to ensure the patient's comfort. The type of anaesthesia used depends on the patient's needs and the surgeon's recommendation.

  • Choosing a surgical technique : Different techniques can be used to perform a labiaplasty. The two most common methods are ‘trim’ and ‘wedge’. Trims remove excess tissue from the labia's edges, improving its appearance. Through a v-shaped incision, the surgeon removes a wedge of tissue from the labia in the wedge technique.

  • Incision made by Ming : After anaesthesia administration, the surgeon uses a scalpel, laser, or radiofrequency device to make precise incisions according to the type of surgical technique they're using. Incisions may vary in length and type based on patient expectations and vaginal anatomy.

  • Tissue reshaping : As part of the procedure, the surgeon removes excess tissue around the labia to give it the desired shape. This may involve trimming the edges, reducing the size, or improving symmetry.

Labiaplasty Diagnosis

In order to undergo labiaplasty, patients must undergo a comprehensive diagnostic procedure. The doctor begins the diagnostic process by performing a physical examination during the initial consultation. In addition to examining the labia to determine their size, shape, and symmetry, they may also review a patient's medical history, listen to their expectations of the procedure, and assess the patient's overall health and well-being. 

In addition, the surgeon may recommend screenings or lab tests to check the patient's reproductive health. Since labiaplasty is a surgical procedure, ensuring that the patient is healthy is essential. 

For patients to be eligible for labiaplasty and to be physically and emotionally ready, the diagnosis process is crucial. It allows the surgeon to formulate personalised treatment plans and guide the patient on how they can prepare themselves for the procedure and what the outcomes might be.

The best clinic for labiaplasty surgery

Looking for a clinic where undergoing labiaplasty is safe, affordable, and confidential? Consult with our expert gynaecologists for labiaplasty surgery and learn how it can affect your body. 

For each female who approaches us for labiaplasty surgery, we ensure extreme confidentiality and privacy. Gynaecologists at our clinic understand the importance of surgically correcting the vaginal lips in a woman's life and the sensitive nature of this surgery.

From the initial consultation onwards, our board-certified gynaecologists will ensure you get the right labiaplasty surgery done by guiding you in the right direction. Get in touch with our gynaecologists today and learn how the surgery can transform your life for the better.

We at Krescent Healthcare have modern-age and scientifically-advanced surgical infrastructure that allows our gynaecologists to perform labiaplasty in women without any risks.

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