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Surgical Abortion

100% Safe and Affordable Surgical Abortion in India

Get in touch with Krescent Healthcare for a safe surgical abortion. Our clinics are licensed and our gynaecologists are legally certified to perform surgical abortions.

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Surgical Abortion


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USFDA-Approved Procedure

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Dr. Rahul Sharma 






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DR. Falguni Rakesh Verma 






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Dr. Sanjeev Gupta






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What is Surgical Abortion?

In a surgical abortion, the pregnancy is removed (the contents of the foetus in the uterus) through surgery. If you want to terminate your pregnancy safely, a surgical abortion is an excellent choice. Both the foetus and the placenta are removed from the mother's womb during a surgical abortion.

The procedure of surgical abortion, also known as a suction aspiration abortion, is performed under local anaesthesia in a clinic or hospital in one day. The MTP Law in India permits abortion through surgery only until the 24th week of pregnancy, so surgery is a viable option for women who are late in their pregnancy or cannot terminate their pregnancy with abortion pills.

Best Healthcare Center for Abortion

The procedure of surgical abortion, also known as a suction aspiration abortion, is performed under local anaesthesia in a clinic or hospital in one day. The MTP Law in India permits abortion through surgery only until the 24th week of pregnancy, so surgery is a viable option for women who are late in their pregnancy or cannot terminate their pregnancy with abortion pills.

Surgical abortions at Krescent Healthcare are performed in accordance with the new amendment to the MTP Act, 1971. During a surgical abortion, Krescent Healthcare gynaecologists perform abortions, counsel each patient, guide them thoroughly through the procedure, and follow transparency, empathy, and fairness as the most important principles.

The following are some of the features that make Krescent Healthcare a highly sought-after clinic for surgical abortions:

  • Abortion that is safe, legal, and painless

  • Gynaecologists with extensive experience

  • Abortion clinics with state-of-the-art technology

  • Confidentiality guaranteed at the highest level

  • During and after the procedure, professional guidance and counselling will be provided

What the MTP Act says?

The MTP Act of 1971 permitted medical abortion up to 9 weeks of pregnancy and surgical abortions up to 20 weeks. However, the recent Medical Termination of Pregnancy (Amendment) Bill of 2020 extended the time frame for abortion and also implemented guidelines for the surgical procedure. While the previous act required one doctor's opinion for abortions within 12 weeks and two doctors' opinions for abortions between 12-20 weeks, the amended bill now only requires one doctor's advice for abortions up to 20 weeks and two doctors' advice in specific cases between 20-24 weeks.

Unmarried women are also entitled to a legal abortion under the amendment in the bill.

Under certain circumstances, unmarried Indian women can receive a medical abortion without their guardians' consent. Unmarried women can seek legal termination of pregnancy under the following circumstances.

  • Pregnancies caused by sexual assault, such as rape.

  • A pregnancy that is harmful to the mother's or the baby's physical and mental health.

  • The baby may develop physical abnormalities after birth if there is a possibility.

  • In the case of contraceptive failure resulting in pregnancy.

For unmarried women over 18 years of age, the doctor only requires her written consent; for women under 18, a guardian's consent is required.

Choosing clinic for Safe Surgical Abortion

First and foremost, choosing a safe and licensed clinic for abortion is essential. A clinic is considered safe for abortion if it meets the following medical, ethical, and social standards:

Ethical Grounds

Abortion is ethically acceptable if:

  • Patients' confidentiality is protected by the clinic and the doctors.

  • The clinic's doctor makes no discrimination of any kind.

  • The clinic's medical practitioners consider every woman's right to reproductive health.

  • The clinic does not perform sex-selective abortions.

  • A woman's physical, mental, and emotional well-being is considered by the team.

Medical Grounds

Medically, abortion is considered safe if:

  • A trained and qualified healthcare provider performs the abortion.

  • Standard operating procedures are followed at the clinic where abortions are performed.

  • The clinic is licensed to perform abortions under the MTP Act of India, and the gynaecologists are certified to perform abortions.

  • Multiple safe abortions have been performed by the doctors and staff at this facility.

An abortion can be carried out in a certified healthcare center that meets the above-mentioned criteria. Even though it is a short-term procedure, if it is not done safely, it can adversely affect the reproductive health of the woman and impact her future pregnancy. Therefore, choosing a safe abortion clinic is crucial not only for the procedure but also for the health of the woman.

Who can undergo surgical abortion

According to the Indian Abortion Act, abortion is permissible up to 20 weeks of pregnancy in the following circumstances:

  • The woman or the baby may suffer physical or mental health complications if she continues the pregnancy.

  • An abnormal growth of the foetus could result in a severely handicapped child.

  • A pregnancy caused by rape or sexual abuse.

  • Failure of contraceptive methods to prevent pregnancy

A licensed clinic may perform surgical abortions or in-clinic abortions under the following conditions:

  • Pregnancy without planning

  • Have a complete family already

  • Parent(s) cannot afford to raise a child

  • Pregnancy can be complicated by health problems in the mother

  • There is a problem with the foetus (abnormal growth)

  • Sexual assault causes pregnancy

  • Unprepared to raise a child mentally

  • Contraceptive methods fail

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