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The procedure, risks, and recovery of vaginoplasty With Krescent Healthcare

If you are experiencing confidence and functionality issues due to vaginal looseness that is congenital or otherwise, vaginoplasty may be a viable solution. This procedure aims to address both cosmetic and functional concerns associated with a loose vagina. Our experienced gynaecologists at Krescent Healthcare offer safe and cost-effective vaginoplasty services. Book a consultation today to determine if you are an ideal candidate for this procedure.

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What is Vaginoplasty?

A vaginal reconstruction is a genitoplasty procedure. The colporrhaphy procedure is either performed for cosmetic reasons, i.e., to enhance the appearance of the vagina, or to treat functional disorders such as genital disorders caused by childbirth, pelvic floor disease, or a vaginal injury. Additionally, it is performed to affirm gender identity in transgender women.

Research has shown that the female reproductive organ, the vagina, may experience changes in shape and tightness as one gets older. However, a vaginoplasty surgery offers a solution by restoring and enhancing the looseness of the vagina caused by various factors such as natural childbirth, injuries, and ageing. This procedure effectively tightens the vaginal walls, addresses issues related to vaginal looseness, and also treats pelvic conditions triggered by a lack of tightness, including weakened pelvic muscles, urinary leakage, discomfort during intercourse, decreased sexual sensation, and vaginal prolapse.

Treatment Procedure of Vaginoplasty

A vaginoplasty may be performed for a variety of reasons, as discussed previously. Most often, it is performed to restore vaginal laxity and tighten the vagina that has become loose due to childbirth, vaginal injury, etc. Here's how a vaginoplasty is done:

Step 1- It is up to the doctor to decide whether to use general anaesthesia for sedation, or local anaesthesia for numbing the area to be operated on.

Step 2- As a next step, the surgeon makes incisions inside the vagina; the location and length of the incisions will vary based on the technique used. Usually, tiny incisions are made around the vaginal opening or in the posterior vaginal wall. The surgeon then removes the tissue and tightens it.

Step 3- After removing excess vaginal lining and tissue, the surgeon sutures the remaining tissues together to narrow and tighten the vaginal canal.

Step 4- They then carefully suture the incisions with dissolvable stitches after making the final adjustments to the tissues.

Following this surgery, patients are typically monitored in the recovery room for a few hours. Depending on the type of vaginoplasty, the hospital stay can vary. Most of the time, it is performed in a daycare facility. In some cases, it may be necessary for the patient to stay one day in the hospital.

What is the Working process of vaginoplasty?

Vaginoplasty is an outpatient procedure that involves the use of local anaesthesia to numb the genital area. Following this, the gynaecologist works to restore vaginal laxity by tightening loose muscles. Dissolvable sutures are then used to secure any loose tissues, either partially or fully within the vagina. While some women may not have a hymen naturally, vaginoplasty is still a safe and effective option that can be completed in one session, allowing patients to return home on the same day as the surgery.

Preparation before vaginoplasty

In some cases, women may feel hesitant about vaginal tightening surgery right before the procedure. Some of the preparations for vaginal tightening surgery include:

  • Be sure to let your gynaecologist know about your medical history, including any ongoing medications, allergies related to anaesthesia, or any other medications you may be taking.

  • Before the surgery, refrain from sexual activity and penetrative activity.

  • For at least 5-6 weeks before your scheduled surgery, refrain from smoking or consuming alcoholic beverages.

  • For at least 8-10 hours before the surgery, you must refrain from eating. However, you may include fluids, such as water, fresh juices, sports drinks, or clear broth/tea.

  • The surgery is performed under anaesthesia, so you can't eat 8-10 hours before the procedure. However, you may drink fluids such as water, fresh juices, sports drinks, or clear broth/tea.

  • To prevent cuts and bruises, avoid shaving the surgical site yourself.

Recovery after Vaginoplasty

As there are multiple fresh stitches in the vagina, the surgical site is usually sensitive for the first 6-8 weeks following vaginoplasty surgery.

It is recommended that patients who undergo vaginoplasty refrain from penetrative sex for almost 1.5 months after the procedure. In case of an insertion, the vagina remains sensitive and can lead to excessive bleeding. A diet high in fibrous foods and fluids must be consumed by the patient.

The recovery after vaginoplasty takes around 5-7 weeks for the complete results. A gynaecologist or cosmetic surgeon will prescribe medications as well as diet charts to ease the pain after surgery. For a smoother and faster recovery, you should consume a well-balanced and fluid-rich diet.

Immediately after the procedure, patients often experience slight constipation due to anaesthesia. Gynaecologists advise patients to consume a fibrous diet to ease passage of stools. Additionally, they recommend taking a light laxative and avoiding spicy and cold foods.

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