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Contoura Vision

Diagnosis, Procedure, and Recovery of Contoura Vision Surgery

In order to see clearly close up, do you need glasses or contacts? If so, then contoura vision surgery may be the perfect solution for you. Krescent Healthcare offers contoura vision surgery performed by experienced and skilled ophthalmologists. We have a reputation for performing safe and effective procedures by our surgeons. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with one of our eye specialists.appointment with the best eye specialists near you, get in touch with us. Our surgeons have a track record of performing safe and effective procedures.

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Contoura Vision Eye Surgery: What Is It?

Topography-guided surgery, or Corona vision, is a type of laser eye surgery for vision correction. It is a variation of LASIK surgery utilizing cutting-edge technology to reshape and map the cornea. In order to correct corneal irregularities and visual axiss highly accurately, 22,000 points are created on the cornea in this highly customized type of LASIK surgery.

This procedure is designed to correct common vision issues such as farsightedness (hyperopia), nearsightedness (myopia), and astigmatism. This advanced technique can also be used by individuals who cannot undergo LASIK due to corneal abnormalities.

As a developed form of LASIK surgery, contoura vision gives patients better visual results and reduces side effects, such as glare and halos, than traditional LASIK.

What Are the Benefits of Contoura Vision Treatment?

It is always recommended to speak with a professional before deciding whether a particular treatment is appropriate for you. Contoura vision treatment is no exception. To be a good candidate, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Age requirement of 18 years or older

  • Refractive surgery has never been performed before

  • Not exceed 8D in spherical power

  • Be free of any major corneal pathologies

  • Having no pre-existing eye diseases, such as cataracts

  • Maintain a steady prescription for eyeglasses or contact lenses

  • You must not be pregnant or nursing

If you're uncertain about meeting the criteria for contoura vision, it's best to book a consultation with an eye doctor who can assess your eligibility. The surgeon will conduct a comprehensive examination of your eyes during this visit. This will determine if you're a suitable candidate for the procedure and what results you can anticipate. If deemed eligible for contoura vision surgery, the surgeon will create a personalized treatment plan that considers your specific needs and desired outcomes.

Before Contoura Vision Surgery, what diagnostic tests are performed?

In order to determine if you are eligible for contoura vision eye surgery or any LASIK surgery, you will need to undergo a series of diagnostic tests. These tests may include:

  • Tests like the Hamilton Veale Contrast Sensitivity Test and Mars Letter Contrast Sensitivity Test are used to determine the level of functional vision in patients.

  • In this test, the thickness of your cornea is measured to ensure there is enough tissue for the reshaping process. Thin corneas may not be suitable for contoura vision surgery.

  • Using corneal topography, a 3D map of the cornea's surface can be created. This mapping is crucial for contoura vision surgery, because it guides the laser to reshape the cornea accurately.

  • This diagnostic test determines how much refractive error needs to be corrected (nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism) by analyzing the current prescription. An eye surgeon performs a rigorous refraction checkup at the beginning, followed by a comparison with a cycloplegic refraction. By comparing the results of both checkups, doctors can identify specific conditions in patients such as hyperopia, myopia, and others.

  • It is possible to measure the pupil size in the dark with dedicated devices. In the dark, the pupil size can be measured much more accurately. As a result of contoura vision eye surgery, people with larger than usual pupil sizes may experience glare or halos.

  • The purpose of this test is to ensure that your eyes can maintain proper lubrication following surgery by examining the quality and quantity of your tear film.

  • A dry eye assessment is performed before contoura vision eye surgery to determine whether you have a pre-existing condition, since surgery can temporarily worsen dry eye symptoms.

  • Contoura vision surgery cannot be performed on patients with more eye irregularities based on the wavefront analysis procedure.

This test, along with a consultation with your eye surgeon, will determine if you are a good candidate for contoura vision surgery. It is important to have a thorough evaluation to ensure your safety.

How Does Contoura Vision Surgery Work?

The contoura vision procedure can be summarized as follows:

  • A contour vision eye surgery begins with a comprehensive eye examination and consultation with an eye surgeon who will assess your eye health, vision prescription, and suitability for the procedure.

  • Most patients experience improved vision within a day or two of their contoura vision procedure, but individual recovery times may vary.

  • A femtosecond laser or microkeratome will be used to form a protective corneal flap on the day of surgery.

  • You will undergo advanced corneal mapping by a device known as a corneal topographer if you are considered a suitable candidate for the surgery. By creating a clear 3D map of your cornea, even the most subtle abnormalities can be identified. Additionally, this helps the surgeon develop a personalized treatment plan, which results in improved vision.

  • To correct refractive errors and improve vision, the corneal flap is gently lifted and a contoura vision laser is used to reshape the cornea according to the customized treatment plan.

  • The protective flap is carefully repositioned over the treated area after the cornea has been reshaped. It attaches naturally without sutures.

What Are The Preparations For Contoura Vision Surgery?

You can prepare for contoura vision eye surgery in the following ways:

  • You should provide your ophthalmologist with a comprehensive medical history, including current medications, allergies, and any existing eye conditions. Some medicines may need to be adjusted or discontinued before surgery.

  • Before any medical procedure, it is critical to increase your water intake, unless instructed otherwise by your ophthalmologist. Hydrating adequately before undergoing contoura vision surgery can aid in a speedy recovery and prevent dry eyes, a common side effect of the procedure. Increasing your daily water consumption is a simple way to maintain moisture in your eyes. If you have already scheduled your surgery, make sure to drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water each day to ensure optimal hydration for the best results.

  • To minimize complications, follow these post-operative instructions closely.

  • Wear comfortable clothing and bring any essential personal items, such as insurance information and a list of medications, the day of surgery.

  • The effects of anesthesia will prevent you from driving yourself home after surgery. Arrange for a friend or family member to drive you home.

  • Your surgeon will tell you how long you should wear glasses before surgery if you wear contact lenses. The length may vary depending on the type of contact lenses you wear.

  • After surgery, your surgeon may give you instructions, such as avoiding alcohol and discontinuing certain medications.

  • Be calm and collected before your surgery by taking a few deep breaths.

  • The morning of your contoura vision surgery, take a shower to remove impurities from your face. Do not wear lotions, heavy makeup, or perfumes.

  • You should take a few days off work to allow for adequate rest and recovery. Your surgeon will provide guidelines on when you should resume your normal daily routine.

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