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ICL surgery

Surgery to implant an ICL (Implantable Collamer Lens)

Get in touch with Krescent Healthcare to consult the best eye surgeons in India for ICL surgery.

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ICL - what is it?

Astigmatism, farsightedness, and nearsightedness can all be corrected with ICL, also known as Implantable Collamer Lens.

In phabic lenses, your natural lens is surgically placed between your cornea and your iris, and your natural lens is not removed. As with regular contact lenses, Phakic contact lenses correct refractive errors from the inside. ICL does not require any cumbersome equipment.Surgery does not affect the eye's structural integrity or shape, so it is considered safe. Consult an eye specialist before scheduling your surgery.

How does ICL treatment work?

You will first be given eye drops to dilate your pupils and sedate your eyes when you arrive at the eye clinic. The corneal tissue is not affected during surgery. The ICL is folded through a small incision at the base of the cornea by the eye specialist. As soon as the tissue is inserted behind the iris, the doctor will adjust the ICL to ensure proper positioning within the eye, ensuring proper vision. After the procedure, no stitches are required.

ICL surgery is intended to provide long-term results and a long-term solution to your vision problems. However, if any adverse side effects occur, the procedure can be reversed without causing any eye damage or harm.

Treatment with ICL has many benefits

ICL treatment has the following significant benefits:

  • An ICL is inserted into the eye through a tiny incision of 2.8 mm, similar to a contact lens.

  • It can be used to correct myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), astigmatism (cylindrical power) and presbyopia (both distance and near vision).

  • In addition to correcting refractive power, ICL treatment enhances vision quality.

  • Small incisions ensure faster healing with ICL.

Aside from improving vision, ICL has numerous other benefits, such as:

  • Improved night vision is provided by the lens

  • In most cases, the lens provides permanent results, although it can be removed whenever necessary.

  • Candidate who are not suitable for LASIK can benefit from ICL.

  • ICL placement is very quick to recover from.

  • It can correct severe nearsightedness that cannot be corrected by any other refractive surgery.

What types of patients are good candidates for ICL treatment?

To be eligible for ICL treatment, a candidate must meet the following criteria:

  • Patients should be at least 18 years old.

  • Candidate who are not suitable for LASIK can benefit from ICL.

  • A candidate must wear a spectacle that has a stable power for at least two years.

  • Healthy eyes are a requirement for the candidate.

  • Candidate should not be pregnant or breastfeeding.

ICL treatment risks and complications

However, if ICL is not performed by an expert eye specialist with precision, there is a risk of the following complications:

  • You may lose your vision if you have high eye pressure for too long.

  • A poorly positioned ICL can increase eye pressure, resulting in glaucoma.

  • Double vision or blurry vision can occur if the lens is not the right size.

  • There is a very rare complication of ICL called eye infection, and it can even result in permanent vision loss.

  • The endothelial cells in the cornea can become cloudy or lose their vision if they decrease too quickly.

  • Despite being a rare complication, retinal detachment can require emergency medical treatment.

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