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Lasik Eye Surgery

Diagnosis, procedure, and recovery of LASIK surgery

Krescent Healthcare offers advanced LASIK surgery in India. Our surgeons perform safe and successful LASIK procedures in India. Krescent Healthcare offers LASIK surgery performed by experienced and specialized ophthalmologists. Get in touch with us to schedule an appointment with the best eye specialists near you.

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What Is LASIK Surgery?

Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis (LASIK) surgery is a popular and advanced surgery that fixes refractive vision problems such as astigmatism, hyperopia, and nearsightedness. In order to improve vision, LASIK surgery reshapes the cornea (the front surface of the eye) so that light enters the eye properly and is focused on the retina correctly.

In most cases, LASIK is an outpatient procedure. The procedure is performed using topical anaesthesia (eye drops) and takes between 10 and 15 minutes per eye.

Diagnostic Tests

To determine if LASIK eye surgery is appropriate for the patient and collect important eye information before the surgery, multiple diagnostic tests are conducted. A LASIK treatment plan can be customised with these diagnostic tests, which help the ophthalmologist evaluate the health of the eyes, assess refractive errors, and evaluate refractive errors. Before LASIK surgery, the doctor may perform the following tests to optimise the outcome and reduce risks and complications:

Pentacam HR: Through the utilisation of a high-resolution rotating camera, the Pentacam HR offers a detailed 3-D image of the front portion of the eye. This technology enables accurate measurement of both corneal center and pre-surgical thickness, which are vital factors in preparing for LASIK and achieving optimal postoperative vision. With its unparalleled precision in corneal thickness assessment, the Pentacam HR also provides valuable insight into any changes occurring on both the front and back surfaces of the cornea, providing invaluable information about ocular health prior to surgery.

Contrast Sensitivity Testing:To determine the patient's functional vision, contrast sensitivity tests may be conducted.

Dilated Fundus Examination: An ophthalmologist may dilate the pupils to examine the retina and optic nerve.

Wavefront Analysis: The wavefront technology evaluates subtle optical defects in the eye and creates a LASIK treatment plan tailored to higher-order eye abnormalities.

Corneal Thickness Measurement (Pachymetry): When performing LASIK laser eye surgery, adequate corneal thickness is crucial for creating the LASIK flap.

Tear Film Evaluation: To ensure the eyes have adequate lubrication after LASIK surgery, the quality and quantity of tears are also tested.

Pupil Size Measurement: To determine the correct treatment plan and to minimise the risk of night vision problems after surgery, the pupil size is estimated in both dim and bright lighting conditions.

Corneal Topography: This test creates a detailed map of the cornea's curvature, which helps identify irregularities in the corneal surface and helps determine the suitability of LASIK.

PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy): As opposed to creating a flap, the excimer laser reshapes the exposed cornea directly without removing the corneal epithelium.

Procedure for Surgery

In general, LASIK surgery involves the following steps:

Numbing the Eye: To minimise discomfort and pain during the LASIK procedure, your surgeon will apply anaesthetic eye drops to numb the surface of your eye.

Placing a suction ring and eyelid speculum on the eye: By using these devices, the surgeon will prevent you from blinking and keep your eye in the right spot.

Creating the Corneal Flap: By creating a thin flap in your cornea with a microkeratome or femtosecond laser, the surgeon can access the underlying corneal tissue.

Reshaping the Cornea: An excimer laser is then used by the surgeon to precisely reshape the cornea to correct your refractive error, removing a specific amount of corneal tissue. By using a cool ultraviolet light beam to remove tissue without inducing heat, the excimer laser minimises damage to surrounding tissues.

Replacing the Corneal Flap: The corneal flap is carefully repositioned after the cornea has been reshaped. The corneal flap sticks without stitches due to its natural adhesive properties.

Preparation for Surgery

To ensure the best possible outcome, you should prepare yourself mentally and physically before LASIK surgery. Here are some tips to help:

Choose a reputed surgeon and healthcare institution:

Choose a skilled, board-certified ophthalmologist who specialises in LASIK. Read patient reviews and testimonials to learn more about their LASIK success rates.

Stop wearing contact lenses:

Your surgeon will likely recommend that you stop wearing contact lenses before the surgery. This is because contact lenses can temporarily alter the shape of your cornea, making precise measurements difficult.

Arrange some time off work:

It is important to rest your eyes for a week or as your eye surgeon recommends. Avoid strenuous activities like heavy lifting, jogging, cycling, etc., for a week or for as long as your eye surgeon recommends.

Avoid makeup and creams:

Avoid wearing makeup or creams around your eyes on the day of your LASIK surgery. These products can increase the risk of infection.

Discuss medications with your doctor:

Any medications you take, such as over-the-counter drugs and supplements, should be disclosed to your surgeon. Some medications should be temporarily discontinued before the LASIK procedure.

Be Informed:

Be sure to discuss any problems or questions you may have with your surgeon before surgery. Make sure you fully understand the risks and benefits of LASIK surgery.

Inform your surgeon of any changes:

Inform your surgeon immediately if your health or eye condition changes before surgery. They will determine if any changes need to be made to the procedure or timing.

Benefits Of LASIK Surgery

The following are some of the major advantages of LASIK:

Improved Vision:

With LASIK, patients experience a substantial reduction in nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism, resulting in better and sharper vision.

Quick Results:

The full results of LASIK are often realised within a few days after the procedure. Many patients begin to notice improvements in their vision within 24 hours of the procedure.

Reduced Dependence on Glasses and Contacts:

In many cases, LASIK can significantly reduce or eliminate the need for glasses or contact lenses in day-to-day life.

Safe and Proven Procedure:

When performed by a qualified and experienced surgeon on suitable candidates, LASIK is considered safe and effective.

Long-lasting Results:

LASIK eye surgery is generally permanent, which means you will not need the procedure again in the future. However, reading glasses may still be needed as you age if you develop presbyopia.

Fast Recovery:

In most cases, patients can resume normal activities within a day or two after LASIK surgery.

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