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Phaco Surgery

Diagnosis, Procedure, and Recovery of Phaco Surgery

Is your vision clouded by cataracts? Don't look any further! Krescent Healthcare offers phaco eye surgery by skilled ophthalmologists. We use the most advanced technologies in cataract removal. Get a clearer future by booking your consultation today!

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Phaco Eye Surgery: What Is It?

An advanced surgical technique known as phacoemulsification is used to remove cataracts, a condition in the eye where the natural lens becomes cloudy and blurs vision. An ultrasonic wave is used during phaco surgery to break the lens into small pieces, which are then suctioned out of the eye with a vacuum. The damaged lens is replaced with an artificial lens to complete the procedure.

Ultrasonic energy is provided by a device known as a phaco machine, which consists of a handpiece, irrigation system, aspiration system, foot pedal, and a variety of tips bent at different angles.

The advantages of cataract surgery over traditional cataract surgery include a smaller incision, a faster recovery, and less discomfort. In addition, it is a widely used and safe surgical method for removing cataracts. Patients often experience enhanced vision shortly after the procedure.

What Should I Do Before Phaco Surgery?

There are numerous important steps involved in preparing for phaco cataract surgery. Here are a few tips to help you prepare:

  • Fasting instructions will be given to you by your doctor before the surgery. Make sure you follow them since they will reduce the risk of nausea and vomiting.

  • Smoking can hinder the healing process and increase the risk of complications in the days leading up to surgery.

  • In most cases, your eye doctor will prescribe eye drops a few days before surgery. If you have never used eye drops before, ask your doctor how to use them.

  • Besides your shoes, you should carry a pair of dark sunglasses for after phaco surgery. They should be non-slip and easy to put on and take off.

  • A preoperative consultation with your eye surgeon will evaluate your eye health, discuss your medical history, and explain the procedure in detail.

  • Make sure your surgeon is aware of all your medications, including prescriptions, over-the-counter medicines, and supplements. Some medications may need to be temporarily discontinued before surgery.

  • Remove all eye makeup before surgery, including mascara, eyeliner, and eye shadow. Makeup particles can introduce bacteria into the eye and increase infection risk.

  • You should inform your doctor promptly if you experience any irritation, discomfort, infection, red eyes, constant watering, or sensitivity before surgery.

  • In order to ensure an accurate lens implant selection, you must stop wearing your contact lenses a few weeks before surgery.

  • When you go in for surgery, wear loose-fitting clothes that are comfortable to wear. You want to be comfortable during and after the procedure.

Phaco Surgery: What Are The Benefits?

There are several benefits to phaco surgery, including:

  • Falling is a leading cause of injury and death among older people, so eye problems contribute to less injuries. Phaco surgery reduces the likelihood that patients will require varifocal glasses, which means they are much less likely to fall. Recovery can take a long time, leading to depression and social isolation.

  • Driving requires a great deal of attention to detail, so cataracts can pose a serious safety concern. Phaco surgery can give you peace of mind, and the results are often life-changing.

  • The lens in the eye can become brownish or yellow from cataracts, causing everything to appear faded. Phaco surgery can help fix this, with many patients seeing colors clearly again.

  • As the protein in your eye collects on your lens, a cataract forms. Phaco cataract surgery fixes this problem by replacing the old lens with an artificial lens, which provides more precise vision. These deposits cloud the lens and lead to foggy and blurry vision.

  • With phaco cataract surgery, a small incision is made, resulting in faster healing and reduced infection risks.

  • Many patients experience improved vision within a few days of phaco surgery, compared with traditional cataract surgery.

Phaco Surgery Risks And Complications?

Although phaco surgery is usually safe, there are some risks and potential complications associated with it. These include:

  • An infection can occur after phaco surgery because of surgical tools, the surgeon's method, or wound care. Endophthalmitis is an infection that may occur after phaco surgery. It occurs in less than 0.5 percent of cataract surgeries, however.

  • Fluid leaks around incision areas after surgery can be diagnosed with fluorescein dye and treated with steroids.

  • After phaco cataract surgery, some temporary corneal swelling may occur.

  • In people with high blood pressure, diabetes or other existing disorders, suprachoroidal hemorrhage can occur after phaco surgery. This complication is rare but requires immediate attention to prevent vision loss

  • Occasionally, a cloudy membrane can form behind the implanted lens after surgery, requiring a laser procedure to treat.

  • You may still have vision issues or worsen your vision after cataract surgery if it is ineffective. Although this is rare, it is more common in patients with eye diseases other than cataracts, even before surgery. In addition to double vision, which usually occurs after surgery, your brain may also experience acclimatization issues while adjusting to a new, clearer vision.

  • A slight trauma to the eye can cause inflammation after surgery. Usually, this problem is temporary, but can be treated with topical steroids. A small amount of protein or white blood cells may accumulate in the eye's front chamber, causing blurred vision or light sensitivity.

  • During phaco surgery, there is a possibility that the iris could be traumatized, resulting in a prolapsed iris. Poor wound closure or healing incision areas or prolonged exposure to increased pressure in the eye could result in iris prolapse. Sometimes, the iris can be repositioned, but in more severe cases, another procedure may be necessary.

After Phaco Surgery, What Lifestyle Changes Should I Make?

In order to ensure a smooth recovery from phaco surgery, you'll need to make some lifestyle changes:

  • To promote healing and prevent infection, follow your doctor's recommended eye drops and medicines diligently.

  • For several days after surgery, avoid strenuous activities such as lifting, bending, or exercising.

  • Sleep on your back or in a position that doesn't strain your healing eye.

  • Ensure that you attend follow-up appointments with your eye doctor to ensure that the treated eye is recovering properly and that your vision is improving.

  • Wear a protective eye shield while sleeping to protect your eyes from injury or dust.

  • To minimize eye pressure, reduce screen time on computers, phones, and TVs.

  • To prevent infection, avoid swimming and hot tubs for a few weeks.

  • After phaco cataract surgery, the treated eye may be more light sensitive, so sunglasses with UV protection can help protect the eye.

  • Maintain a balanced diet rich in antioxidants to maintain eye health.

  • Dust and pollutants can aggravate the healing eye, so avoid dusty and smoky environments.

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