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PRK Lasik

Laser Treatment for Eyes: PRK LASIK

At Krescent Healthcare, we offer PRK eye surgery as needed to help people with myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism.

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PRK Lasik


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Dr. Rahul Sharma 






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DR. Falguni Rakesh Verma 






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Dr. Sanjeev Gupta






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How does PRK eye surgery work?

The most important difference between PRK and LASIK is how the flap is removed. In PRK, the flap is removed entirely, whereas in LASIK, the flap is removed and then repositioned over the eye.

The most common procedure is LASIK, but PRK can also provide similar results and can be used to get rid of eyeglasses or contact lenses.PRK is considered long-lasting since the corneal shape is permanently altered. However, PRK cannot prevent the aging of the eyes. Thus, some eye conditions may develop with age that may lead to vision problems.

What are the advantages of PRK over LASIK surgery?

There are specific scenarios where PRK is preferred over LASIK despite LASIK being the standard method of vision correction. These include:

  • In the event that the cornea is too thin or there is another issue with the cornea, such as forme fruste keratoconus.

  • Keep in touch with the doctor as suggested for follow-ups to monitor recovery and success rates.

  • A patient's occupation may increase their chances of dislodging the flap, such as kickboxers, hockey players, etc.

  • The patient is at high risk of developing severe dry eye.

Standard LASIK would be recommended if there are no such issues.

What happens in PRK surgery?

The steps involved in the procedure are explained below. PRK surgery is performed on an outpatient basis and takes around 5 to 10 minutes per eye.

  • Before the procedure, anesthetic drops will be applied to numb the eyes.

  • To keep the eyes open, the surgeon will use a lid speculum.

  • The corneal surface cells can be removed using a blade, laser, alcohol solution, or brush.

  • As a bandage, a non-prescription contact lens is placed on both eyes. The lens will keep the eyes clean and prevent infection until the eyes heal.

  • After feeding the patient's measurements to the laser, the laser is turned on.

  • A pulsing beam of ultraviolet light reshapes the cornea when the laser is activated.

  • On the second eye, the same steps are repeated.

Due to the fact that PRK surgery is performed as an outpatient procedure, the patient will be discharged the same day of surgery.

PRK Surgery Benefits

Patients who are ineligible for conventional LASIK surgery can benefit from PRK eye surgery. Below are some of the key benefits of this treatment:

  • Patients with thin corneas are better off with PRK.

  • There is no risk of flap-related complications with this procedure.

  • Long-term complications are also unlikely.

  • There is a very high success rate.

  • With PRK, myopia or nearsightedness can be corrected more precisely.

  • Those who are professionally involved in contact sports should consider PRK.

  • Dry eye is less likely to develop after refractive surgery than after other types.

  • For refractive errors, it is a cost-effective treatment.

Recovery & Results

After PRK surgery, the patient recovers at home during the entire recovery process. Within one to three hours after surgery, the patient is discharged. The patient should take adequate rest, sleep, or keep their eyes closed for comfort. Blinking may cause an uncomfortable feeling in the eyes.

In order to assess the results of PRK surgery, a follow-up appointment will be scheduled for the following day. The patient is also informed about the signs of eye infection, such as redness, swelling, pus, fever, etc. After 7 days, the bandage contact lens will be removed from the eye. It must not fall out or dislodge.

In order to ensure a speedy recovery, the doctor or his/her team will provide detailed instructions. These instructions will include:

  • Smoke and dust can cause eye irritation, so avoid them.

  • The bandage contact lenses can be dislodged if you rub your eyes.

  • Consult your doctor before washing your face with soap, driving, reading, watching TV, or performing other activities.

  • You should keep soap, shampoo, and other chemicals away from your eyes for at least a week.

  • For at least a year, protect your eyes from bright sunlight.

  • Until the eyes have healed, swimming and other water activities should also be avoided.

  • Make sure you wear protective eye gear for several months or as long as your doctor recommends.

  • Avoid contact sports and strenuous activities that can damage your eyes.

As the vision improves after PRK eye surgery, in the upcoming days, it might become blurry at first, then improve significantly. Many patients also notice a substantial improvement after the bandage contact lenses are removed.

Around 80% of the vision will improve within a month, and 95% within 3 months.

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