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Shoulder Dislocation

Advanced Treatment for shoulder dislocations

Get in touch with us to schedule a consultation with an orthopaedic surgeon if you're experiencing chronic pain, stiffness, or movement issues around your shoulder.

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Shoulder Dislocation


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Dr. Rahul Sharma 






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DR. Falguni Rakesh Verma 






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MBBS, MS - General Surgery

Dr. Sanjeev Gupta






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What is Shoulder Dislocation?

An injured dislocated shoulder occurs when the upper arm bone pops out of the cup-shaped socket on the shoulder blade. The shoulder is the body's most flexible joint, so it is more susceptible to dislocation.

It is important to seek medical attention if you suspect that your shoulder has dislocated. Most people will be able to regain full function within a few weeks, but once the shoulder has dislocated, it might be more likely to dislocate again. Shoulder dislocation can be treated differently based on its severity. You may need surgery if medication and physical therapy do not work.

Diagnosis Tests and Benefits of Surgery

It is common for healthcare providers to ask about past injuries, evaluate the symptoms, examine the shoulder and arm, and suggest a few diagnostic tests to determine the severity of the condition. These diagnostic tests include:

1. Musculoskeletal ultrasound

2. MRI

3. X-ray

4. CT scan

A series of tests will be conducted to determine the severity of the condition and to identify any underlying health conditions that may complicate the surgery.


In comparison to conventional surgery for bankart tears and dislocated shoulders, arthroscopic bankart surgery offers the following advantages:

1. Postoperative discomfort and pain are minimal

2. Complications are unlikely

3. Surgical time is reduced

4. Incisions of a small size

5. Blood loss is reduced

6. Shoulder joint range of motion is improved

Treatments for shoulder dislocations

Different treatment options are available for shoulder dislocation repair. The orthopaedic surgeon usually suggests the treatment option based on the severity and location of the injury.


In order to reduce pain and inflammation, your healthcare provider usually suggests medication. Do not take over-the-counter pain relievers for more than 10 consecutive days without talking to your doctor.

Total shoulder replacement surgery:

It is also known as shoulder arthroplasty. The procedure involves removing the damaged parts of the shoulder joint and replacing them with artificial ones.

Shoulder dislocation surgery types

Following is a list of the different types of shoulder dislocation surgery, along with their procedures:

Capsular shift surgery: A surgeon uses an arthroscope to tighten the joint capsule and the ligaments in order to stabilise the shoulder during this procedure.

Latarjet procedure: A person with bone loss at the shoulder socket usually needs this procedure. It involves transferring bone material from the coracoid process (part of the shoulder blade) to the front portion of the shoulder socket. In addition to bone grafts taken from the patient's iliac crest (part of the pelvic bone) or from a donor, bone loss in the socket can also be repaired with a bone graft. Bone grafts from donors or bone banks may increase infection risk.

Bankart repair surgery: During a bankart repair, worn-out ligaments are re-attached to the proper place in the shoulder joint in order to restore normal function.

Remplissage procedure: It is usually recommended by a healthcare provider when the ball of the shoulder is damaged by dislocation, causing a condition called Hill-Sachs lesion. This procedure involves resurfacing the head and/or filling in the defect by fixing it to part of the rotator cuff.

Recovery Tips

Following shoulder dislocation surgery, you may experience the following recovery symptoms:

1. In order to ensure a smooth recovery after bankart surgery, it is important to follow the instructions of the healthcare provider without fail.

2. After the surgery, you may have to stay in the hospital for a day while the doctor monitors your recovery.

3. In order to alleviate pain and prevent infection, the doctor may prescribe pain medications and antibiotics.

4. Physiotherapy is usually recommended for at least a week after surgery. Your healthcare provider will guide you through the exercises and provide you with home care tips. If necessary, they may also position the arm if you wear an immobiliser sling for 4-6 weeks.

5. After surgery, you should only use the non-surgical arm to perform daily tasks for at least five to seven days.

6. After the bankart surgery, you can begin driving after 4-6 weeks.

7. During the first six months after surgery, you must avoid lifting weights with the surgical arm and participating in any contact sports.

8. Make sure not to miss medicine doses prescribed after surgery to aid in a speedy recovery.

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