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Anal Fissure Treatment

Symptoms, Causes, Risks, and Surgery of Anal Fissures

As anal fissures can become chronic, immediate treatment is critical. We are equipped with cutting-edge laser surgery, anorectal specialists, and medical care coordinators to provide you with the best-in-class treatment for anal fissures at Krescent Healthcare at no-cost EMIs.

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Anal Fissure Treatment


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Dr. Rahul Sharma 






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DR. Falguni Rakesh Verma 






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MBBS, MS - General Surgery

Dr. Sanjeev Gupta






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What is Anal Fissure?

During bowel movements, anal fissures can cause discomfort, pain, and bleeding.

Anal fissures can be acute or chronic

Acute Anal Fissure: It is usually caused by trauma to the anal canal, such as passing a large bowel movement, and can be treated with some ointments, medications, and home remedies.

Chronic Anal Fissure: Inflammatory bowel disease or sexually transmitted infections are common causes of chronic anal fissures. Surgery is the best way to treat chronic fissures.

Different Surgical Treatments

Anal fissure surgery can be performed in two ways:

Open Surgery : Anal fissures are traditionally treated with open surgery. Open surgery involves the following steps.

  • In order to ensure that you experience no pain or discomfort during the procedure, you will be sedated under general anaesthesia.

  • During surgery, you will be positioned in such a way that the surgeon can easily access the affected area.

  • An incision around the anus will be made by the surgeon to access the anal fissure.

  • In order to assess the extent of the damage and to identify any other issues, the surgeon will analyse the anal fissure.

  • In order to allow proper healing, the surgeon will remove any damaged tissue around the anal fissure.

  • Lastly, the surgeon sutures the area to close the incision.

  • After the procedure, you will be closely monitored to ensure there are no complications and to manage any pain or discomfort.

Laser Surgery : In the case of chronic fissures, laser-assisted surgery is the most effective treatment.

During the procedure, the following steps are taken:

  • Lie on your back with your hips and knees bent and your legs apart.

  • In order to ensure that you don't feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure, the anesthesiologist will sedate you to numb the area or put you to sleep.

  • A laser will be inserted through the anus, which is a natural opening in the body, once you are stable.

  • The surgeon will then move the laser to the fissure (a small tear).

  • In order to relax the sphincter muscles, the surgeon uses the laser to make a cut in the muscles around the anus.

  • You will be taken to a recovery room after surgery to rest and recover.

Home Remedies for Anal Fissures

It is possible to relieve the pain and discomfort associated with mild anal fissures and allow them to heal properly with some home remedies and self-care tips.

  • Aloe vera Gel : For relief, apply aloe vera gel to the affected area.

  • Cold Compress : For relief, apply coconut oil to the affected area.

  • Cold Compress : Reduce swelling and inflammation with a cold compress.

  • Petroleum Jelly : During bowel movements, apply petroleum jelly to lubricate the anus and reduce friction.

  • Sitz Bath : Reduce pain and discomfort by sitting in warm water for 10-15 minutes a few times a day.

  • Witch Hazel : To relieve pain and itching, apply witch hazel to the affected area.

Food habits to avoid Anal Fissure

In order to relieve anal fissure discomfort, you should maintain a healthy diet. Here are some foods that you should include in your diet.

  • Drink plenty of water : Keep stools soft and easy to pass by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.

  • Herbal teas : Teas like chamomile and peppermint can soothe the digestive system and reduce inflammation.

  • Lean Protein : Protein sources such as chicken, fish, and tofu can provide necessary nutrients without causing discomfort.

  • Low-fat dairy products : Digestive health can be improved by low-fat dairy products like yoghurt and milk.

  • Olive Oil : Adding olive oil to your diet can help lubricate your digestive system and prevent irritation.

  • Nuts and seeds : Healthful fats and fibre can be found in nuts and seeds such as almonds, chia seeds, and flaxseeds.

  • Take high fibre foods : Constipation can worsen your anal fissures, so eating high-fibre foods like fruits and vegetables can help prevent it.

  • Whole Grains : Regular bowel movements can also be supported by whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, and whole wheat bread.

Signs of a Healing Anal Fissure

Anal fissures heal over time with surgical or non-surgical treatment. Here are some signs.

  • During bowel movements, there is less pain or none at all.

  • Reduced bleeding during bowel movements.

  • Itching or irritation around the anal area has improved.

  • Fissure size is smaller or the fissure is closed.

  • Sitting or standing for a prolonged period of time will be less uncomfortable.

  • Enhanced ability to pass stool without straining.

  • Bowel movements are less frequent.

  • Nutrient absorption and digestion are improved.

  • Energy levels and overall health are improved.

  • Confidence in daily activities has increased.

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