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Treatment Procedure & Benefits of Laser Circumcision

Foreskin conditions such as phimosis, paraphimosis, balanitis, etc., can be treated with laser circumcision, and future penile problems such as sexually transmitted infections and urinary tract infections can be prevented. Near you, Krescent Healthcare offers flawless laser circumcision that is cost-effective and convenient.

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What is Laser Circumcision?

An advanced circumcision procedure, laser circumcision involves cutting off the foreskin with a laser beam. Because the surgeon uses a laser to create the incision, there is little bleeding and the wound edges are clean. Furthermore, the surrounding tissues are completely preserved, so it is ideal for tissue preservation.

Compared to other circumcision procedures, laser circumcision takes only 10-15 minutes and has a much shorter recovery time. Laser circumcision also causes less postoperative pain and discomfort.

How Does Laser Circumcision Surgery Work?

Diagnosis – Laser Circumcision

If you are not satisfied with your foreskin size, shape, or appearance, you can get a circumcision for religious or cosmetic reasons. You may qualify for medical circumcision if you suffer from pain, inflammation, or infection in your foreskin or tip of your penis.

To determine whether surgical treatment is necessary, your urologist will retract your foreskin and examine your penis glans for any signs of infection, injury, or inflammation.

The following diagnostic tests are commonly performed before circumcision:

  • Foreskin tissue culture/swab tests for bacterial/fungal infection in a laboratory.

  • UTI detection by checking the appearance, concentration, and content of the patient's urine

  • Diabetes patients should receive random blood sugar and glucose urine tests to determine their glucose levels.

Laser Circumcision Procedure

As one of the most advanced circumcision procedures, laser circumcision involves cutting off the foreskin using a high-energy laser beam. Due to the laser, there is almost no bleeding and the wound edges are clean. Additionally, it preserves the surrounding tissues completely and is ideal for tissue conservation.

A laser circumcision only takes 10-15 minutes and has a much shorter recovery time. Laser circumcision is also preferred over other procedures due to little postoperative discomfort or pain.

Preparation of Surgery

For laser circumcision surgery, you must follow the following instructions:

  • You will need to provide your surgeon with a detailed medical history, including any chronic conditions you suffer from and medications you take regularly. Your surgeon will tell you how to prepare for the surgery if you are taking blood thinners or similar medicines, which can increase the chance of haemorrhaging during the procedure.

  • You should avoid eating anything for at least 6-8 hours before your surgery if you are under general anaesthesia.

  • Make arrangements for someone to drive you home after surgery, as you may be discharged the same day, and driving the same day is not recommended.

  • Prior to surgery, abstain from alcohol for at least 48 hours. Stop tobacco consumption, such as gutka, smoking, etc., as they may interfere with healing.

  • You should take at least a week off from work if your job involves manual labour, especially if you are having open surgery.

Laser circumcision benefits

A laser circumcision operation is an effective way to permanently remove the foreskin from the penis with the least amount of postsurgical complications possible. It is possible to perform the surgery under local anaesthesia, reducing the risk of complications associated with postsurgical anaesthesia.

As compared to open circumcision surgery, it has a much faster recovery period, is more precise than stapler circumcision surgery, and prevents complications such as regrowth of the foreskin. Also, it leaves a clean scar after the procedure, which provides good aesthetics.

  • Procedure that takes 10 minutes.

  • Loss of blood is minimal

  • Does not affect a man's fertility

  • During sexual contact, there is no pain

  • Success rate of 100%

  • After the next day, he will be able to resume his normal lifestyle.

Recovery after Laser Circumcision

To enhance your recovery after laser circumcision surgery, follow these tips:

  • Immediately after surgery, wear tight-fitting underwear or compression undergarments to keep the gauze in place.

  • To allow your penis to completely heal, avoid sex and masturbation for about 6 weeks after surgery.

  • Apply petroleum jelly to the tip of the penis while you are recovering to prevent it from sticking to your underwear.

  • Make sure you take good care of your wound.

  • You should clean your wound twice a day.

  • While healing, do not pull or scratch your penis.

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