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Foreskin Infection

Infection of the penis foreskin - Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis

Inflammation of the foreskin or prepuce of the penis is a symptom of Foreskin Infection, which is an uncomfortable penile disorder that affects uncircumcised men and can be quite uncomfortable. To help men find relief from the discomforting condition of Posthitis, Krescent Healthcare offers comprehensive medical and surgical management through discreet consultations. Let's learn more about foreskin infection.

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What is Foreskin Infection or Penis Infection?

Generally, foreskin infections or penis infections are not a cause of concern for men because they are bacterial or fungal infections that cause inflammation of the penis foreskin. However, in some cases, it can cause significant discomfort and require treatment.

There is usually an association between this condition and balanitis (inflammation of the penis head). Since posthitis isn't an STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease), it's not very dangerous, but if left untreated for too long, it can worsen your condition.

Foreskin Infection Form

Penis infections or foreskin infections can occur at any time. If left untreated, they can cause serious discomfort. In general, these infections affect uncircumcised men and may result from several factors, including:

  • Sexually transmitted diseases.

  • Infections caused by bacteria or fungi

  • Hygiene problems

It is also common for men suffering from phimosis to develop posthitis. People with sensitive foreskins or those who do not clean their foreskins regularly are also at a higher risk of developing foreskin infections. It is also possible to develop this condition if you rub your foreskin vigorously.

Diagnosis of Foreskin Infection

Conveniently, posthitis can be diagnosed through a thorough physical examination. This typically includes the doctor asking about symptoms and medical history, as well as performing a physical assessment. In some instances, a swab test may be recommended to identify the root of the inflammation and guide treatment decisions. Additionally, a urine test may also be requested to rule out diabetes and further understand the cause of the condition.

As a general rule, posthitis disappears within a week without medical attention. However, seeking treatment becomes important if:

  • Bleeding or discharge is noticed

  • Even after a week, the symptoms do not subside

  • Recurrence of posthitis

  • A worsening of the symptoms occurs

Penis Foreskin Infection Surgical Treatment

As a result of posthitis, circumcision is the only surgical procedure available. Although circumcision is designed to remove the foreskin completely, different procedures can be used to do it. Most commonly performed circumcisions are laser circumcision, stapler circumcision, and conventional circumcision. Here are some of the most common circumcision procedures:

Laser circumcision surgery: During laser circumcision surgery, there is no incision, no stitches, and little blood loss. It is a minimally-invasive surgery that causes minimal discomfort for the patient. Laser circumcision surgery is usually performed under local anaesthesia. As part of this procedure, the surgeon uses a laser beam to cut the foreskin. The procedure usually takes about 20 minutes and the patient does not feel uncomfortable during it.

Open circumcision surgery: Despite the fact that this method is conventional and invasive, it is still carried out in many cases today. The surgeons use a scalpel to remove the foreskin and cauterise or stitch it back with dissolvable sutures. The procedure is performed under general or local anaesthesia. Any pain afterward can be managed with pain-relieving medications.

Care After Circumcision Surgery

The patient will need to take some precautions after circumcision surgery in order to recover quickly. In order to avoid complications after circumcision surgery, your doctor will recommend some precautions and lifestyle changes. Here are some tips to help you recover quickly:

  • As soon as your bandage is removed, do not shower. Clean the incision site very carefully with a soft towel/cloth. Avoid soaps, gels, and creams on the operated area as these products may irritate it.

  • As soon as you recover from surgery, you can start walking. However, you should avoid strenuous activities such as running and weight lifting.

  • You should tell your doctor if you experience pain or discomfort after surgery so that he/she can prescribe pain medication.

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