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URSL Treatment

URSL Surgery for Kidney Stones with advanced Treatment

If a kidney stone is small or medium in size, URSL is the best treatment method. It is minimally invasive, has a high success rate, and offers quick relief while keeping the patient relaxed. In Krescent Healthcare, urologists treat kidney stones with the URSL procedure so the patient can get back on their feet.

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Dr. Rahul Sharma 






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DR. Falguni Rakesh Verma 






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Dr. Sanjeev Gupta






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What Is URSL Surgery?

URSL or Ureteroscopic Lithotripsy is a widely used method for treating kidney stones, specifically those that are 7 to 10 mm in size. This advanced approach is ideal for cases where traditional treatments, such as medication, have proven ineffective.

Utilising a high-precision laser, it effectively removes stones lodged in the ureter and provides relief from painful symptoms with minimal risk of complications. Contact our team to learn more about URSL treatment in India.

URSL Treatment

It is necessary for the urologist to conduct some assessments before performing URSL. Imaging tests (X-ray, Abdominal Ultrasound, MRI), Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) tests, Blood tests, and Urinalysis tests are used to perform these assessments. These assessments are conducted in order to determine the stone size, the number of stones that need to be removed, and their location.

Urologists will proceed with the procedure only after carefully reviewing the results of these tests to see if there are any underlying diseases that could cause complications.


Following are the steps involved in this surgery:

  • According to the patient's needs, spinal or general anaesthesia is administered.

  • To locate the stones, the surgeon inserts a thin, long fibre-optic scope called a ureteroscope into the ureteral passage through the urethra as well as using x-rays to see inside the kidneys and ureters.

  • After the stone is located, it is collected in a stone basket and eventually removed.

  • Small stones can pass through the system naturally if the stone is too large. When the stone is too large, a precision laser is used to break it into smaller pieces.

  • Usually, ureteral stents are inserted to facilitate the removal of stones from the body. The stent expands the passage of the ureter, making it easier for the stones to exit.

Preparation for Surgery

You should prepare yourself in advance for URSL surgery if you are about to undergo it. In order to make your surgery more effective, you need to follow some precautions and change some lifestyle habits. Here are some ways you can prepare for your URSL surgery:

  • You can also ask your doctor to explain the treatment procedure and the risks associated with it in advance. Talk to your doctor about your symptoms, medical history, and other important details in advance.

  • Inform your doctor if you're taking any medications in advance. Your doctor may ask you to discontinue some medicines before surgery, such as blood thinners.

  • Make sure your doctor knows if you've ever had an allergic reaction to anaesthesia in the past. An allergic reaction to anaesthesia can delay your surgery, as well as cause other complications.

  • The best way to prevent anaesthesia-related complications is to avoid eating or drinking anything 6 to 8 hours before the surgery.

  • It might affect the effectiveness of the surgery if you smoke or use products containing tobacco.

Recovery & Benefits of PCNL Surgery


A patient can return to their regular routine within a week of undergoing URSL surgery, without experiencing any complications. You can speed up your recovery by taking some precautions and changing your lifestyle. The following tips can help you recover faster:

  • Do not skip the medications prescribed by your doctor. Skipping these medicines can delay your recovery. Also, if you experience abnormal symptoms, contact your doctor right away.

  • Make sure you consume plenty of fluids and eat a healthy diet that is high in fibre.

  • After the surgery, avoid heavy exercise for a couple of days.


A modern technique to treat kidney stones, URSL offers a respite from pain while causing no discomfort to the patient. A minimally-invasive procedure such as ureteroscopic lithotripsy does not involve stitches or cuts, allowing the patient to remain comfortable throughout. Some of its benefits include:

  • No bleeding during the surgery

  • Faster recovery

  • Minimal complications

  • Outpatient procedure

Best Healthcare center for PCNL Surgery

In order to provide modern and specialized care for kidney stone patients, Krescent Healthcare combines medical excellence with advanced technology and state-of-the-art infrastructure. Our associate hospitals have the best infrastructure and amenities in India for treating kidney stones.

Our highly skilled urologists are well-versed in using URSL to effectively treat kidney stones. Through rigorous training, they have mastered this procedure and prioritise precision and patient comfort. Along with their commitment to staying abreast of surgical advancements, our experts strive to provide top-notch treatment. Don't hesitate to schedule an appointment with our urologists for the best URSL treatment for your kidney stone condition.

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